Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004 11:29 a.m.

Today appears to be just one of those days where all the little things in life are being annoying.

I always have so much fun driving to work in the morning on the road with people who must have gotten their licenses in Mexico. I used to think that teens were the bad drivers on the road, but teens don�t have ANYTHING on your average 30-40 year old Joe on the road. I realize that most of these people took driver�s training about 15-20 years ago, but you�d think that something that you do almost every day would be pretty easy, right?

Not quite. I seriously think that we need to start requiring road tests like every 5 years. People don�t even have a semblance of the traffic laws anymore, and I don�t understand why cops spend so much time on speeders when they could just sit in a parking lot, any parking lot, next to a major road, and you could see hundreds of traffic violations every five minutes. People who change lanes in intersections, people who don�t use their turn signals, people who just drive like maniacs�.they�re EVERYWHERE.

And they�re always in between my home and work�..

I also don�t get why people refuse to use nouns when writing out sentences. Does it really take all that much more time to write �I will�� instead of �will find out��? It�s not THAT difficult. It�s just ONE more letter.

The other thing that�s really been bothering me lately is smokers. My grandfather was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. The response of my family has been�.�Well, I can�t handle the stress of this, I�m going out for a cigarette��


I have a couple of friends who smoke, as does my boss, but it�s not like I expose them to��..2nd hand medication or something that might be dangerous to them. This weekend, I went to see a movie with a group of friends. Four of us met beforehand to go out to dinner. The ONLY smoker of the group tried to sneak us into smoking. He says to the waitress while we�re waiting, �Four for smoking��

I don�t think so. SOMETIMES I�ll let him get away with it, but only if it�s at his favorite diner and we�re going to be there for a few hours. I don�t like the smell of smoke. I don�t like my hair smelling of smoke. I don�t like that I have to basically take off my clothes when I get home and throw them in a secluded area of the basement. I don�t like breathing in smoke when I�m trying to eat. It ruins the taste of things. Almost every time we go out to eat somewhere, he�ll ask me, �Can we sit near the bar?� �Can we sit in smoking?� And almost every time, I say, �No.�

On one hand, it�s good that he at least asks�.kinda. But this past time, he just assumed that we�d all sit in smoking, just like how I find it rude that he keeps asking. Since he�s the minority of the group, he should just deal with it.

I mean, I used to smoke, yes. I never really smoked that much though. And not only that, it doesn�t even matter. I shouldn�t have to be subjected to something like that. It LITERALLY makes me sick to my stomach to be around. I can�t sleep at night when my hair stinks so badly. It�s BS. At some point, you should just not ask if we can sit in smoking anymore. You should take the high road and not expose your friends to a nasty habit that kills people.


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