Friday, Mar. 26, 2004 2:01 p.m.

Ohhh, I�m sore. I had both bootcamp and personal training last night for the first time in a month. I�m not as sore as I was expecting I�d be, but there�s a stiffness in a few of my joints. At least I have tonight off to get some things done that I have been putting off for too long.

Here�s another entry based on that book I got from R, the Life Floater.

What is the worst experience with alcohol that you�ve ever had?

There have only been a handful of times that alcohol has turned its nastiness on me. I remember my first bad experience with alcohol, which, coincidentally enough, was my 20th birthday. We got to a bonfire party later than I had expected, so I did a few shots of vodka right away to catch up. I explicitly told Vylette to make me eat a fruit cup if I got too drunk too quickly.

Ohhhh�what a mistake that was�..

All that succeeded in doing was making my puke more colorful. I passed out on the bathroom floor for about a half hour after throwing up all over the place, and I barely made it past midnight�which was my actual birthday. I spent my birthday hung over and avoiding my mother out of fear that she�d know how drunk I got.

That began a downward spiral for me. It seemed like after avoiding puking for so long, I was then cursed to puke every time that I drank. That began the schoolyear that I roomed with RP, the Roommate for the first time. I think that I ended up throwing up at least two or three times in the beginning of the schoolyear alone.

Then, of course, there was that ever-so-lovely Southern Comfort night. I can�t entirely remember how it started, but I think it involved me and a suitemate drinking a fifth of something between us. I know that I got into a car to go to a party somewhere, but I don�t remember who drove us or anything. I do, remember, however, trying to call my roommate and accidentally calling her parents at least twice. Then we came back to the dorms where I continued to drink Southern Comfort while two jerkoffs stole all the candy in my room. I�m actually kinda glad that I don�t remember the rest of the night. I think I may have showed people things that I shouldn�t have�.

I remember being very ill the next day.

The next incident on my list involved Vylette�s 21st birthday. Nothing about the night was bad�at all. I had a great time and felt great the whole time. However, when I woke up the next morning, I was not doing well. I think that I came home, passed out on a chair and watched TV all day when I was supposed to be packing to move.


The final bad drinking incident that I can recall was one of the last times that I�ve been drunk. I was in the spring semester of my senior year at college. I went to spinning after eating a small bowl of pasta, and RP invited me to go out. Unfortunately, I had to get ready so fast that I didn�t have time to eat after working out. I remember drinking a Long Island Iced Tea, and then I remember waking up laying the wrong way on my bed the next morning. I still had a majority of my money, and somehow, I managed to get home.

Looking back, though, none of these incidents were all that horrible. They do make some pretty funny stories, but that last incident is what finally switched my drinking habits. I rarely ever drink hard liquor now, and I usually don�t get drunk.

Ahhhh memories�.

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