Thursday, Jul. 08, 2004 12:29 p.m.

Well, the hell known as my soon-to-be-in-laws is finally over. Of course, there wasn�t a normal, kind ending to the story. Of course, there was a dramatic, over the top send off.

What else can you expect on a Daily Dose of Drama?

They arrived last Thursday, and things looked like they would be alright for the week. I made them dinner, cleaned up the kitchen, and we sat around a fire after dinner and talked. It wasn�t until the next day that things started to turn a bit hairy.

For one, since I�ve been so ill for the past few months, my ambition has rather waned. We moved a majority of my stuff out of my apartment, but it has been sitting in the garage until I came up with the energy to move it into the house. As a consequence, my mattresses are sitting on the floor, instead of on the bed frame, and my clothing was just sitting in the garage.

Well, his parents, for some unknown reason, don�t seem to like to sit still on their vacation. They insisted upon moving all of my stuff into the house and putting away, despite the fact that I hadn�t figured out where I wanted it yet. I didn�t say anything because it seemed to be going well, but I noticed that his mother wasn�t satisfied with just leaving things alone.

She, unfortunately for me, is like my mother. She questions everything I do, and insists upon arranging things in my house the way that she wants them arranged. She refused to put my comforter on my bed, and, instead, used the comforter that the cats had peed on. She didn�t like the lamp that I had picked out for the room and replaced it. She didn�t like the way that I had my picture frames arranged. She even rearranged my jewelry, for crying out loud.

Several times, she moved something that I absolutely did not want touched, such as my PDA, so I put it back. I don�t know wtf went through her mind, but she moved it back to the point where she fried the battery on my PDA and I lost all of my information. She kept trying to get us to move the bookcases. She moved my clock all around, fiddling with it. She wouldn�t even let me cook in peace. It was a nightmare, seriously.

Also, upon arriving here, she insisted that she and I go shopping [obviously, she doesn�t understand my hatred for shopping] and of all places, she insisted that we go to Dress Barn. When I dragged B along with us, she stared at me and said, �Why aren�t you looking?�

Um�..because the clothes here are cheap, big, and made for old people?

She insisted upon coming to my apartment to help me clean it out at least a half a dozen times. Each time, B said �No� but she wouldn�t freakin listen. Finally, I just gave in and let her come.

The pinnacle of my problem happened yesterday. I noticed that my PDA was, yet again, unplugged, despite the fact that I had plugged it in twice already. When I clicked it on, it wouldn�t boot up and the memory erased itself because the battery had been completely drained. I was utterly furious. I insisted to B that we leave, immediately, so that I wouldn�t blow my top, so we left for the mall so that I could buy some new jeans to replace the ones that I broke [damn zippers].

When we came back, B�s mother, in all of her dramatic glory, said to me, �We�re leaving now.� And refused to answer me when I asked why and what happened. I almost expected her to put the back of her hand to her forehead ala Scarlett O�Hara. She ran from the house and got into B�s car, where they had already had their bags packed. B drove them away to a hotel near the airport with absolutely no explanation to me.

When he got back, he told me that his mother hadn�t felt �welcome� in the house and felt it necessary to leave.


Apparently, the dinners that I cooked for them, the cleaning that I did, the talking that I did, taking them out to dinner with my parents and grandparents, letting her come along on every little excursion [with the exception of my jeans-buying trip], letting her come along to my apartment, trying on my wedding dress for her, showing her my plans for wedding bands and accessories, and including her on every little conversation WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH?

She was, apparently, put off by the fact that I didn�t act like the cookie-cutter daughter-in-law that she had imagined. Apparently, the fact that I hate shopping is irrelevant. Apparently, the fact that I like my privacy and I feel that my medical problems are not anyone else�s business is not acceptable. Apparently, the fact that I wanted to buy my jeans and leave without stopping in any other store was horribly inconsiderate. Apparently, the fact that she was constantly in my face, changing the way that I wanted things decorated, bothering me every minute of every day that she was here was supposed to be some form of bonding.

It�s completely unfathomable that I didn�t enjoy the way that she �tried to get to know� me. She, according to her, didn�t do a damn thing wrong by breaking my PDA. She didn�t do anything wrong by insisting, like a spoiled child, that she be included in every little excursion that I do. What was next? Should I have let her join B and my bed? Should I have invited her into our sex life? I mean, what the fuck?

I�m utterly furious with the way that his mother acted. She stormed out of the house like a little dramatic four year old. When she sat me down and told me that we should always be honest with each other [while trying to manipulate me into letting her come to my apartment after B had said �no� five times] was a complete and total lie. She wasn�t honest with me when she stormed out of the house instead of sitting, like an adult, and insisting that we talk it all through.

Supposedly, she�s going to �calm down� and eventually apologize, but that�s just not good enough for me. I have absolutely no plans in including her in any part of my life from now on.

I can�t even believe that she had such a hissy fit because I wouldn�t instantly bond with her. I HAVE A MOTHER ALREADY FOR CHRIST�S SAKE!

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