Friday, Sept. 17, 2004 5:32 p.m.

It appears that the ability to pass information along accurately is a rare trait in my family.

In the past week or so, I�ve gone through a rollercoaster of emotions�high and happy one moment, low and crying, the next. Finally, I took matters into my own hands and went to the hospital myself today.

Things are not as dire as they seem to my grandmother. I mean, they�re not in the best conditions ever, but no nursing home will be needed as of yet.

I never noticed that my grandfather and I have the same shade of eye color�.how odd�especially considering we�re not actually blood related�.heheheh

Anyway, I think I�ll stop by there again on Sunday and see if he�s in a better mood. God knows I wouldn�t be on like day 5 of being in the hospital.

I�d update more on what exactly is going on, but those who need to know already know, and I, myself, know� what would be the point of typing it out? LOL

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