2000-09-26 1:18 or eternity

"Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view." -Anon.

It was storming in what seemed to be the desolate land left within J's subconscious. Secret sat huddled, trying in vain to protect herself from the storm. Her hair remained plastered to her face as she could feel the little inner tube that barely sufficed as her salvation toss and turn in the waves. She could not remember how she got lost in the sea of dispair again, but she knew that she may not make it back to the shiny, glittery world of bliss where she assumed Prominence was. Secret scanned the barely visible horizons for some glimpse of Hope, but she had been missing for quite some time now. Hope was nowhere to be found when Secret found herself pinned to the open when A, the Deviate had tried to devour her whole. He had scared Prominence away from the surface of J, leaving Secret out in the open, afraid and alone. Physically restraining J and whispering perversions brought back bad memories of P, the Phantom. Secret could feel her mind throbbing with memories with that night, luckily she escaped and in a rash action erased all of Prominence's memory regarding the incident. Secret did not know how to handle the outside world. To her, ignorance was bliss. Secret's thoughts returned to her more commanding problems: that which was key to her survival in this land independent of the mother-being's or father-being's homes. She must do well in another of her intellectual trials and the storms were the signs that the future was more foreboding than forgiving. A wave toppled the tiny raft that Secret had found her only salvation in. She cried out, feeling her mouth and throat fill with water. She reached out for the life raft, but apparently the Math God that haunted her essence had hidden it somewhere as a sign that failure was inevitable. She prayed as she tread water, prayed to the Math God for forgiveness and guidance for the upcoming trial.

"Please God, help me."

He had answered her prayers earlier in the night when she asked for assistance for D, The Sweetheart's own battle. And D, The Sweetheart came through his own storm shining. Secret did not know if she would be so lucky.

"Please God, help me, just the one test...." her voice trailed off as she felt herself losing her strength.

The storm surged overhead, with no sign of an end to its relentlessness.

The Math God laughed as he held on to the raft.

Only another day of treading.

Please God.


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