Wednesday, Dec. 11, 2002 2:44 p.m.

Well the grades have started to come in. In capstone, I got my 4.0. I have to say that I owe that grade almost entirely to my extremely intelligent and dedicated team members. It�s not like I was a complete rock when it came to doing things, but when it came down to the technical stuff, they were all over it.

I wish that I had been, but I got a good grade, and I believe that reflects the amount of work I put into the class�technical or non-technical.

I�m still wondering what I�m going to get in antennas. I mean�.I did better than the average on the exam, which is at least a 3.0. I rocked the midterm project and we did decently on the labs. I think that our final antenna project was decent�hopefully decent enough to push me into the 3.5 range. TC�.well�.going into the final I had a 4.0. That test was�.well�.kinda difficult, but from the aspect that I spend virtually no time studying. Then there�s genetics�.which for the most part, I expect to see a 3.0.

Overall this semester wasn�t bad. The only grades I�m overly concerned about are my two engineering classes�and well�one of them I rocked. I�m pretty excited about next semester, considering it�s mostly all BS classes.

AC, the Coworker, and I have been talking about going on a Spring Break trip. We can�t really afford much, but we were thinking about going to Chicago or Toronto for awhile�maybe a couple days. I should probably curb my insane spending habits for awhile to save up some dough for the trip��

Damn�.a Killians has 185 calories in it�..wah�that�s so much.

Anyway, I�m off to the gym.

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