Friday, Jul. 26, 2002 1:12 p.m.

I hate him. I really really hate him.

This is pure torture knowing that I have another three full weeks of work and at least another full week before he takes off for vacation. I will seriously Rainbow Randall myself silly when he sets a foot into the plane that will take him out of the country, and essentially out of my life.

Yesterday, AC, AD, and I had to run radar signature tests on a Taurus placed at several angles in front of the Expedition. These tests have to take place in the part of the building where crash tests take place. Crash tests are so secret that barely anyone can ever witness them and therefore, we only have access to that part of the building at 2:30 when the tests are done and cleaned up.

These tests that B wants us to run take forever to set up because he is so anal and it usually takes the three of us to run the tests. Well, B comes down and says in his irritating French accent�


�Yes?� (I wanted to add �satan� here but I wasn�t sure he�d appreciate it).

�Does it normally take all three of you to run these tests?�

�Yes, usually.�

�I do not think so.�

Before I could explain to him that it was indeed necessary for me to be there because the tests run more efficiently when three of us work on it, he told me to shut up and get upstairs to work on that stupid C code assignment I have.

So, his logic is, let�s take me away from something productive and really important, and put me back on something that I only pretend to so and am hence unproductive.

That�s brilliant.

Props to him, let�s reward him for being such a wonderful manager.

On another note, I was surfing the Channel 95.5 website again and came across the same woman who started the �Under God� debate about the pledge. This time, she started a thread about abortion and the candidates for governor.

First of all, I dislike people who have no purpose in bringing something up other than trying to start some kind of debate or argument so that they can get attention.

Second of all, the abortion debate is too large of scope to even discuss. It�s been overdone, it will never be something that anyone can agree on, and it�s just too huge. It asks too many questions and again brings God into the equation. When it comes to abortion, I�m strictly science and law. I refuse to bring God into it because that�s when people become irrational and answer my probes with, �Oh, just because. God doesn�t always want us to have the answers.�

It�s just like my parents and that �I can do what I want because I�m your parent� thing. It�s bull and most people know it. They pull God into it and just expect the issue to end there. How dare anyone question the unquestionable! How dare anyone, in this time of war and sadness, question the religious zealots!

Anyway, my thing is, I�m not for abortion, I just want the ability to make the choice if it came down to it. It�s something that I just hope I never have to face, but that I should have all the options available to me if I have to.

The question of whether or not the fetus is alive always comes up. Well, ok people, if you�re going to say that the moment of life begins at conception, then stick to your guns. If you want to believe that a bundle of cells is alive, then you�re going to have to afford that same courtesy to cancer. The fetal heart does not even begin to form until the third week and isn�t even heard until much much later. So I have to ask, if something doesn�t have all the essential parts of a human being, is it a human being?

My thoughts are no.

The woman also brought up about how people use abortion as a form of birth control. I�m sorry to say that�s most likely not true. The people who are too poor or too irresponsible to use birth control are generally too poor to afford abortions. If parents wouldn�t hide the issue of children having sex, then maybe this wouldn�t be a problem.

She said it was �OK� though to have abortions in the cases of rape or incest.

Uh�ok�way to be consistent again. It�s either right or its not right. It�s not right to force a woman to have a baby because she was raped? If you�re anti-choice, well, that still doesn�t change the fact that it�s an innocent little baby.

And in cases where the pregnancy endangers the woman�s life?

It�s �OK� then too.

What the hell?

Anyway, if you�re interested in the thread, please go right on ahead and join in here.

That�s all for now kids.

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