Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 11:06 a.m.

To say that yesterday was an eventful day would be an understatement.

Aside from the war, a seemingly large amount of things happened to me, personally. I realized, yesterday, that my Express coupon was about to expire while RP, the Roommate, and I were at the mall. They had their jeans on sale ($20!) but, alas, they didn�t have any �normal� people sizes.

They had an overabundance of 3�s and 5�s, but nothing bigger than that. I was remarking to RP that back in The Heights there were �normal� sizes. She said, I thought jokingly, �Let�s go�. Then I figured that I had nothing better to do, so we took a road trip to Somerset Mall. That Express was much more accommodating, and had much much more selection.

We had some food at California Pizza Kitchen, always a plus, picked up some chocolates and then came home.

To my utter shock, AC, the Coworker, emailed me. Actually, she wasn�t even emailing me personally; she sent out a mass email inviting everyone to her birthday party next week. I�ve never received a mass email from her before�meaning�.she purposely added me to her list. I don�t know if this was kind of feeble gesture on her part or some kind of mistake, but it�s pretty shady of her to not contact me personally. I could be the better person and try and forgive and forget, but I think that she needs to make a better effort before I�d consider it.

Needless to say, I�m probably not going to her birthday party.

I had some odd dreams last night. Most notably, I had a dream about my wedding. It was, of course, small like I want it, and I, of course, was wearing that dress I spied in RP�s David�s Bridal Book. The ring was plain and platinum, also the way I wanted it. However, the groom was the wildcard.

Apparently, I was marrying P.

I suppose I should have labeled that dream as a �nightmare�. Things turned even more strange when I was trying to take the train back to �our� house in my wedding gown, with no money.

The ceremony, in itself, was nice though, and it gave me ideas for my future. I should scan the picture of that gown�.

Actually, nevermind, I just found a picture of it HERE.

[sigh] Too bad all of this jovial nature had to be sidetracked by the war. There's nothing like state-sponsored [and tax payer-paid] bloodshed to bring you back to reality

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