Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003 12:04 a.m.

Someone said to me today that she couldn�t understand how saying �ah� could offend someone.

How could saying �ah� not offend someone? I�m actually referring to online conversations, but could you imagine talking to someone in person and you were excitedly telling him or her about something that�d happened to you and they didn�t bother to look up from the newspaper they were reading, but could manage to say �ah� after every sentence you said?

How is that not rude?

The same applies to online conversations. If I�m talking to someone, I listen to what they say and give them meaningful comments so that they know I�m actually taking in what they�re saying. However, I expect the same from people that I respect [and would in turn respect me]. If after every single sentence I type, you put the word �ah� that is rude and disrespectful. Why not just simply say, �I�m not interested in talking right now� or �I�m too busy�? That would at least be polite.

What can you expect though? I mean, �ah� in conversation falls on the same level as constant lateness and constant cancellations on friends.

I had a pretty counterproductive day actually. I mean, work wasn�t bad and I was in a relatively decent mood when I left work. However, when I went to go get my oil changed, Valvoline told me that they couldn�t.

Why? You may ask�

It turns out that my oil pan is so rusted that [in their words] it is �soft�. According to the mechanic, it�s so soft that he�s almost sure he could put a hole right through it with his finger. The problem with this is that until I get that replaced, I can�t get my oil changed. Oil, apparently, cannot be changed unless that oil pan is moved.

The other problem is that to replace the oil pan is not an easy task to do on some cars. With my previous luck with cars, I�m almost positive my stupid car is one that requires the entire engine to be lifted out of the car before the mechanic could reach it. I guess I�m also leaking transmission fluid, so yeah�great.

I guess in the grand scheme of things this isn�t really much compared to the work the Escort would have required, but I�m none too pleased to have to take my car in after just having the windshield wiper motor replaced.

I came home after trying to explain the scenario to my very confused mother. I�m not even going to get in to the conversations I had with her regarding this.

I also missed class, but my back was killing me and I was so frustrated that I wasn�t sure I could handle sitting in a hard chair for another two hours. Instead, AC, the Coworker, and I went to Chi Chi�s for some dinner and then later Target.

I wish I could comment on the other two things that are really frustrating me. One, I can�t because of the readership I get, and the other I can�t talk about because it�s something that�s still ongoing.

Ok, so maybe I was harsh about the �ah� thing, but it still signifies boredom, I don�t care what you say. I reserve �ah�s for only P, the Conqueror, mostly because I don�t like him.

Anyway, I have an early class.

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