Thursday, Jan. 02, 2003 12:06 a.m.

Ah new year�s how weird is thee�.

K, the Sorceress, and I ventured over to AC, the Coworker�s, for some drunken debauchery. We arrived relatively early (shortly before nine) so that I could secure a parking spot in her driveway. She lives in one of those neighborhoods where they give you a parking ticket for parking on the street overnight. Anyway, aside from her brother�s friend, AC, and her brother, we were the first guests to arrive. They had already started to hit the jello shots, so K and I shortly joined in. We sat and talked for a bit about a bit of nothing and enjoyed some of the scrumptious food that AC�s parents had left for us.

The first guest to arrive (besides us) was a mutual friend of AC�s and her [recent] ex boyfriend. They got down to talking about what had gone wrong with her ex and the rest of us continued on with jello shots.

It wasn�t until about 11 that things started to pick up. In fact, there weren�t too many people there until about 11 when a huge group of people busted in with even more jello shots. Unfortunately, I wasn�t even buzzing by now and believe me, I kept trying.

By midnight, I�d had a slight buzz and the countdown came faster than I was expecting. It seemed like the three hours between our arrival and midnight had flown right on by. We were enjoying champagne and screaming, calling everyone in our phone books, and having a grand old time.

Then things started to get funny.

AC suggested (though I don�t remember the entire context of the conversation) that we shave her friend�s long curly hair (the friend is a guy). I don�t know why, but he agreed. We went upstairs and he started to have second thoughts, but AC whipped the razor by his head and said, �too late.�

Here is a picture of his long hair. Well, we came downstairs and AC�s brother decided to shave his head too. So, we took him upstairs and shaved off his hair. Then after that, I believe a food fight broke out, which ended up with jello on the walls. AC�s brother, the fun drunk that he is, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and started carrying her around, screaming.

Next, a few of us changed into our bathing suits and climbed into the steaming hot tub, which was outside in the wintery cold. We enjoyed the head for a bit, but oh, that wasn�t enough.

We decided to walk on the ice of her swimming pool, in the freezing cold, in our bathing suits, which were wet. After two other people had gone on the ice, I went too, and promptly broke the ice, cutting my foot in the process. Then we came to our senses and went back into the hot tub.

We enjoyed, I think, another hour of this, but the temperature of the hot tub started to decline, so we came up with the idea that we�d cover it and go back in later. As we were climbing out, I slipped on the ice that formed as a result of all the water sloshing out of the tub and cut up my side.

Yeah, I wasn�t faring too well with that whole graceful thing.

I think at that point, I just gave up and went to bed. I hear that the others went back in the hot tub, but I wasn�t about to put my cold, wet, bathing suit back on so that I could slip, fall, and injure myself yet again.

It was a fun party.

The next morning, we got up and watched U of M win the Outback Bowl, listened to some poor sap throw up in the bathroom, and enjoyed a nice breakfast of hamburgers and coffee.

It was a good time, but I spoke too soon about no one getting hurt.

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