Sunday, Nov. 24, 2002 9:16 p.m.

Ok, now I�m nervous.

I�ve started that freakin out think that I do. The more I freak out, the less productive I am. Then I realize that I have even less time to study because I was too busy freaking out, and I freak out even more.

It�s a vicious, vicious circle. Actually, it�s a feeling very similar to when I was really worried about my electromagnetics final from almost a year ago. Here�s what I said actually:

�Alas, nothing can relieve my stress because these are all valid worries, right?

So, as the night wears on and I become increasingly less confident and get very little sleep, the approaching exams will feel to me like slowly going up a very steep roller coaster.

Clink clink clink clink

So slow that you feel like biting your nails and crying out, �Why am I here?! Could I have studied more and done better on everything else in order to make this final hill less steep?�

Granted, I love roller coasters so it�s not exactly the best analogy.

There�s always the guillotine analogy.

It�s like the day before your execution.

You know that you�re going to die and you know that it just isn�t right and there�s no actual way to prepare for it. And then when you have your pencil in your shaky hand waiting for the prof to say �begin� it�s equivalent to having your head strapped in that hole and waiting for them to release the blade that will sever your head from its flailing body. The last image you see is all the people gathered to see you die, or in my case all of the homework I should have learned better instead of joining the Engineering Slackers Network.

Ok, enough, I should be studying here.�

And with that, I�m going to study.

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