Thursday, Feb. 20, 2003 9:48 a.m.

My horoscope said something about today being an important day for my career. Not that I actually ever follow those things, but it�s part of my Tuesday/Thursday routine, so I have to read it.

Well, no joke my career is important right now.

Actually, though, I won�t be hearing about my most recent interview until sometime around St. Patrick�s Day, so for now�.out of sight, out of mind.

I can�t believe that my week is actually over. Well�.if we exclude me skipping Religion, then my week is over. I�ve finished all of my online tests, all of my homework, all of my exams�.everything. Next week, all I have due is some extra credit and a homework assignment for Professor Dick.

This time, I�ll send it by messenger if I have to.

I�ve started putting together a list of things to pack for the trip, and it�s getting out of hand. I�m almost afraid that AC�s brother and her friend C will make fun of all the things I�ve packed. They won�t be laughing when they see all the beer though�

I�ve been noticing that the daily temperatures in Panama City are somewhere around 46 degrees after dark. This does not fare well with me, as I was hoping for some type of weather that would involve shorts and swimming in the wonderful Gulf of Mexico. Hopefully, the gods will smile down on us and we�ll get it. At least it�s a vacation, nonetheless.

I had, probably, the most frustrating day I�ve had in a long time yesterday. My cable modem was running especially slow. I did a speed test on it and it turned out that we were only getting speeds of less than a 33.6 K modem. This would not do, so I called the cable company. As I was calling the company, I noticed my bill was something like $100, which I didn�t understand. I�d paid the previous balance, so it shouldn�t have been that high. I asked the guy on the phone and he told me that it was a combination of the cable tv and the cable modem bill.

Oh ok.

I told him that the modem had perked up and he told me to call back if there was another issue. Then I thought about it for awhile�..

If cable tv is $36 a month and cable modem is $46 a month�.how would the bill add up to $100?

So I called back.

This woman on the phone told me that since they combined the bill, they had to charge me a prorated fee for the week that the cable modem was ahead of the tv. I thought about that for a second. If they were only charging me for a week, why was the extra on the bill about $20 [which is approximately half the cable modem bill]? I asked the woman and she told me that they were charging us $1.70 a day for seven days.

$1.70 a day X 30 days = $55

Why would I that amount per day when I only pay $45 a month for cable modem service? What the fuck exactly is AT&T trying to pull? So I alerted the woman to this grievous error.

�Well what do you want me to do about it?� she asked.

�Um�.fix it.�


She said nothing else for about ten minutes, then, �Is there something else I can do for you?�

�Yeah�um�.tell me my new total��

�I don�t know how to do that.�

How can anyone be this stupid? I, personally, don�t know exactly how much I�m charged for cable tv, cable modem, and any stupid fees such as tax and the whatnot because AT&T did not give me an itemized bill, which is a load of crap in my opinion [especially when they�re trying to pull some kind of prorated scam], so I would require the help of the operator in figuring it out. She doesn�t know how to update her computer to figure it out? Jeez�.there are how many unemployed people in the U.S. today and they have someone as dumb as her working?

I figured it all out in the end and she transferred me back to tech support, as the modem was acting stupid again. I talked to some woman who told me that there was an �outage� in the area. Every single fuckin time I call those idiots, there�s an outage and nothing ever gets fixed. I think its some kind of BS excuse that they use so they don�t have to do any work and still get away with charging people $1.53 a day to use their terrible services. I told her that I�d been having problems for weeks and I was goddamn sick of it. She told me that she�d send a tech over.

�You mean to my place? Where I have to stay home and wait for them?�


These people should be paying me for all the time they waste. Seriously, why should I be paying them a monthly fee if this is the third or fourth time they�ve had to send a tech over to my place, and this would be the third or fourth Thursday that I�ve had to waste waiting for them? They act all �high and mighty� when they offer you a tech too. It�s a load of crap in my opinion.

Of course, my roommate is nowhere to be found, so whose shoulders does wasting her time fall on? Mine, of course. This is the third or fourth time that I�ve had to wait for the cable guy, and last week, I had to wait for the repair people to fix the leak because my roommate runs out the door to go visit her boyfriend.

So�.in summary�.I clean up after her [most, but not all, of the time]. I wait for the cable people. I do most of the chores. I call the repair people. I call the office to fix things. I argue with the bill people who charge too much. Then, of course, there are all of my own responsibilities that I take care of.

She, on the other hand, throws things wherever she wants. She cleans her boyfriend�s house and complains to me that his roommates are messy. She runs off to his house and never has to worry about taking care of things that concern her own living space.

Her only tradeoff is that she pays a hell of a lot of money for a place she barely ever spends time in, so is that my mother/maidservice fee? Paying half for an apartment that usually I only occupy? I guess it works out in the end, but I�m getting damn sick of waiting for repair people on my Thursdays and Fridays when I have time to myself to take care of errands, not to mention, I have a lot of things to take care of for my trip.

So�I cancelled the appointment. The modem was running alright the last time I checked, so if the service is sluggish, then I guess she can call them up and schedule an appointment. I�m sick of it.

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