Tuesday, Feb. 04, 2003 6:35 p.m.

I hate AT&T broadband.

My cable went out AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

I called up this afternoon when I got home from class and the woman told me that there was an outage in the area and thus could not issue a trouble ticket. However, when I signed on through dialup, the other people I know in my complex were signed on.

It�s funny how outages only seem to affect me.

Again, I�m going to have to call and bitch them out, but I don�t see when exactly I�m going to have time to sit around and wait for them. My hope is that they plan on showing up some time around after noon on Thursday, but you never can tell with those people. I cannot guarantee that I�m going to be home on Friday, because, well, I�m not. I have my long-awaited interview with my company. I actually have four interviews. I hope it goes well since, heh, I need a job.

I wish to god that RP, the Roommate, would be around for perhaps a moment so that she could possibly tell me when she�s available to wait around for the cable guy, cuz quite frankly, I�m tired of having to do it. I don�t think I�m going to be around on Saturday either, since I think that I�m going to go home for Friday night to pick up/drop off some things.

I have spinning tonight.

It makes me a bit nervous, because it�s an hour of pure exercise hell. I hate seeing how out of shape I am. On the other hand, I want a beach-ready body by spring break, seeing as that AC, the Coworker, and I are going to Panama City now. I can take it. I�m just afraid that tomorrow won�t be so pleasant.

I had just about the entire afternoon off, but for some odd reason, I wouldn�t study. It doesn�t help that my evil, anal prof didn�t post the solutions to the homework, which the test will explicitly cover. What the hell is taking so long?

I guess I should get ready for spinning.

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