Saturday, Apr. 27, 2002 6:25 p.m.

I hate being called �babe�.

I realize that this shouldn�t be an ephipany or anything, but I just realized that it bothers me. It never used to�.I think. Maybe I just didn�t pay much attention to it or maybe I just never noticed. Or maybe, the reason I suddenly hate it is because of the person that calls me �babe�.

I suddenly realized how degrading it was to be called �babe�.

Now, I know that it�s not true, that some people use it as a sweet pet name, but I seriously think that I hate that particular pet name. It makes it seems as if I were less of a person than the person using it. It just reminds me of �toots� or �doll� which makes me think of the 40�s and how women were treated as second class.

Don�t worry, I�m not turning into some kind of feminist, but seriously, there�s a problem with someone who barely knows me calling me by some kind of strange pet name when we are on the same level, in the same class, etc. I would prefer to just be called by my name, that way there is no confusion about some kind of strange relationship that does not exist.

Ugh, back to studying.

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