Monday, Apr. 08, 2002 10:35 p.m.

All that stress and now I�m bored again.

Well, not really. I have things to do; things that I would rather not do actually. What seems like a ridiculous workload to some people is my everyday life here. I wonder if there�s as much resentment at a mostly engineering school like MTU or Kettering. It really seems like not too many people do all that much work around here. In fact high school seems like a breeze compared to what I go through now, however I�ve overheard people saying that college is easier than high school.

That�s just fucked up. College is not supposed to be easier than high school.

Anyway, I�ve become addicted to this new reality show called The Bachelor.

The premise is this 31 year old guy courts a bunch of girls and eventually decides which one he�s going to marry. Now, it also has that whole Survivor thing too: every episode a couple of the girls is kicked off. I think it started with 15 girls and now it�s down to four. They all live in this posh house with a couple of his friends. All of these girls are thin, pretty, and a couple years older than me. Obviously this guy is not looking for a real wife; it�s a trophy wife thing. I�ve liked a couple of the girls, but the show exhibits every single nasty flaw that women as a general sex have. While the women are being picked to stay you can see everyone has self-doubt and starts to mutter and roll their eyes whenever someone is chosen. After the bachelor goes out on a date with one of the girls, the others just sit back and pick. Plus, he asks them questions about what they think of the others and 9 times out of 10, they always say something like, �Well I just loooooooove so and so, but�.� insert something nasty here�

It makes me wonder if I�d make it on a show like that. Would every nasty aspect of my personality show through or would my natural ability to charm take over instead? Secret or Prominence?

Another thing I�ve noticed lately (speaking of men) is that the ones I�ve run into just won�t shut up. Whether they�re people I already know or ones that I�ve just met, they yap on and on about themselves and the things that they�ve done trying to impress me. I want to scream, �THE MORE YOU TALK, THE LESS I�M IMPRESSED SO SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!� But, I have some self restraint. I just don�t understand why guys think it is so necessary to point out every single good quality that they have. Isn�t dating about discovery and the chase? If I�m told exactly what to think, that certainly takes the thrill out of learning about the new person�not to mention that bragging is annoying as fuck. I�m perfectly capable of deciding for myself whether or not I find someone impressive, plus the lack of questions about myself certainly turns me off.

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