Wednesday, Sept. 04, 2002 2:55 p.m.

Oh boy� more bars�

�.at least not for awhile�

I know that I say this every time I go, but it�s seriously getting too expensive. You have to pay for cover, overpriced drinks, and food. Then you have to come home and either burn or wash your clothes three times to get all of the smoke out.

Not to mention, I missed most of my classes today.

So�.no more bars for awhile unless it�s cheap or on the weekend.

K, the Sorceress, and I woke up on Saturday morning to a very loud banging on the door. I had left a sign on the door warning the cable guy that he�d have to knock really loudly to get our asses up. Well he did, scaring me out of my slumber.

Ok, what would it be like to be a cable guy?

You go from place to place, never really having to set foot in any of them and all you do is turn on a switch�.and you get paid.

What the hell?

Needless to say, I was too damn tired to look for the remote to see if the cable actually worked and went back to sleep.

What a mistake!

The cable, of course, doesn�t work. And they�re not coming to fix it until this Saturday.

K and I didn�t do much else that day. AC, the Coworker, and her boyfriend came over and we watched a couple videos, but not much was going on in EL because everyone had gone home for Labor Day.

Sunday we saw The Good Girl with RP and made sushi. We also rented the new Lilo and Stitch game for PS2. It totally sucks. All you do is run around and shoot things. It requires no skill at all. Don�t bother with it.

Monday, we had dinner with KH, the All Knowing, and watched Smallville [yay!]. K took off and I promised her that next time she came up, it would be more exciting.


Anyway, last night, I had to figure a few things out with my Capstone group and then RP, her boyfriend, his roommate, and I all went to BW3�s for quarter wing night. I had little intention on getting drunk, and I�m not sure what changed my mind.

I guess it�s a good thing because it made me realize that I�m not going to go to the bar every Tuesday night.

Anyway, we had some nice conversations and whatnot. It sounds like RP�s boyfriend and his roommate have a total spaz for their third roommate. She�s some 19 year old chick who is hung up on her ex, other guy roommate (not RP�s boyfriend) and I guess she gets into his bed every single night.

Ha, I almost envy him for being so damn desirable.

Just kidding, I don�t need a stalker.

Anyway, there was this musician playing cover songs and he wasn�t half bad. I decided to buy him a drink. Just as I had finished walking it over to him, this one dude stopped me and invited me to his table. I sat down and spoke to him for awhile.

He apparently was a pro basketball player until he banged up his ankle.

I�m not sure if it was a pick up line or what, but he was interesting company. He asked for my phone number and I gave it to him, but I truly have no intention on hanging out with him again.

I do that a lot.

I meet guys and I�ll take their phone number or let them have mine, but I usually have no intention on hanging out with them.

I don�t know what the actual reason for it is.

Maybe I�m easily scared and I don�t like the attention from the guy after I first meet him.

Maybe I wake up the next morning wondering what the hell I was thinking.

Maybe I�m a tease.

Or maybe I have really good intuition on whether or not it will work out.

I don�t want to put the effort into a relationship right now. I either want to meet the perfect guy right this second or I don�t want any guy at all. Every guy I�ve seen in a long time just hasn�t clicked the right way with me, so I really want to have nothing to do with it.

It�s weird that I can look back and say that P, the Conqueror, clicked really well with me. After all, he has a terrible attitude and he�s really inconsiderate. I don�t know what it is, I guess if you take those bad qualities away, he�s got a really great personality.

But I�m not gonna go through that again.

I was talking with RP�s boyfriend when I was buying one of my last drinks for the night. I told him that I�m glad that he�s with her and that I think that he treats her really well. He looked surprised and said something to the effect of, �Well it didn�t seem that way last year.�

No, it really didn�t. I was a bit too hard on the two of them last year, considering they�re both perfectly nice people who did nice things for me, even when they didn�t want to. I don�t know what my issue was with that. I think it was because I was having such a great time in the beginning of the year when she and LL, the Nice Guy, were together. I had all these things going for me (and I wasn�t seeing P). Then their mess started and slowly, but surely, everything really good in my life started to fall apart.

I can�t say that it�s their fault though. It must have just been me surrounded with all of that negativity. I started to suck it up.

And then, of course, P and I got back together, and he always wreaks havoc on me emotionally.

So, over the summer, P and I stop seeing each other completely, things start looking up again, and BAM my bitch switch is turned off.

I can honestly say that I like RP and her boyfriend. They�re really good to each other and very respectful to me.

The non-bitchiness doesn�t stop there either. I have had nice conversations with all three of my exes. It�s good to hear that D, the Sweetheart is doing better and working so hard. I wish him luck trying to finish what he started. The ex before him�.well�I dunno, we�ve had some fun conversations and it seems that he�s doing well with his life, even if it hasn�t been what he pictured.

And I even unblocked P and had a couple conversations with him. Of course, they centered mostly on his car, but the good thing is that he didn�t start anything with me.

I doubt that we�ll be hanging out anytime soon though, heh.

So it�s nice to be nice for once. I should keep this up, heh.

Oh�.that reminds me�.there are a couple people I know who need to let that ship just sail. Bitterness doesn�t do anything for you emotionally, other than turn on your own bitch switch. I wish them both the best of luck, though, and I hope that the horizon looks friendly to them.

Alright, kids, it�s time for me to work on my lab.

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