Sunday, Jan. 06, 2002 2:15 a.m.

Secret was surprised that the snow on the road didn�t make it that slick. She, of course, wasn�t paying very much attention to the road or her surroundings. Her radio blared some top 40�s pop that she also ignored. It was hard concentrating on any particular thought; Secret was actually having trouble just thinking at all.

A bomb of unwanted knowledge had fallen on her just a couple hours before.

Secret and her father-being had a sort of screaming fight shortly before she had picked up her almost fully functional car. She wasn�t sure what had possessed her to bring up all the dirt from their collective past, but she hadn�t held back at all. Secret brought up the trip to California that had almost resulted in her death, the way her relatives had treated her when she was essentially dying from starvation. She had brought up the divorce and the cheating that had resulted in it.

Secret had said things to her father that day that she had never brought up in his presence ever before.

She still didn�t know what had caused her to do it, but after picking up her car, Secret just threw herself on the couch to drown out her head with mindless Lifetime movies. At some point, however, Secret knew that she had to get out. It wasn�t her father that was bothering her anymore: in fact, he had cooked her a very tasty meal and humored her lack of productiveness.

It wasn�t until she had left that the bomb had fallen on her.

Secret decided to pop in on the coworker that had gotten her the internship that Secret and Prominence both relied on so much monetarily, the coworker that coincidentally was her father�s ex-girlfriend. Secret had always liked her and her family, as she was the mother of KP, the Little Sister. They talked for awhile as Secret explained her problems with RP, the Roommate, and LL, the Nice Guy, and the fight with her father. They rehashed everything that Secret had said to him earlier, including the cheating.

The talk of his infidelity lead to revealing truths that Secret was sure that her mother didn�t even know.

Her father had been cheating on her mother for her entire life.

It hadn�t been some one time thing that had happened when she was eight or nine years old. It had happened in their old hometown, possibly before she had even been born. Her mother had lived with it for eighteen years, and Secret felt angry.

Secret knew that her father wasn�t that same man anymore, or maybe he was and she just didn�t see that side anymore. However, Secret couldn�t help but think that her life would be completely different if he had just stayed faithful. Maybe the marriage would not have worked out, maybe they would not have gotten along, maybe everything would have ended up the same. Secret couldn�t help wondering though.

Maybe her mother had known, maybe that would explain why her mother acted the way that she now did.

Secret wasn�t sure that it mattered in the long run, but all she could do now was drive.

It was the only thing that was keeping her in reality.

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