Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2002 2:07 p.m.

Here is my previous entry from today.

OMG I�m so bored.

AC, AD, and I are sitting around while AC is the only one who has any real work to do. We are sitting in our cube listening to the guy talking over the wall, trying to decide if he�s gay or not.

He�s got that voice: rhat breathy, non deep, non manly voice. I think we one time heard him say that he was married to which someone responded, �to a woman?�

Wow, our days here are full.

My morning has been full of reading magazines, surfing the net, and taking care of my apartment business. I had to fax a permission slip of sorts over to the rental office so that RP, the Roommate, had permission to move in on Monday. We have to waive cleaning and we have to pay to be there.

Yeah, I love this place.

They were allowing us to move in on August 24th, two days before school started. Since my stepfather can�t help me move in on that day, I�d have to move in on the 25th, the day before school. I talked to RP about it and she was just as anxious as I to get back to school, so we agreed to pay and move in early. She�s moving in a day earlier than I, so there�s one day where I have to pay and no one is there.

Normally, this would piss me off, but since she�s going to have the fun job of cleaning the place, I think I got the better end of the deal.

Oh I can�t wait. I still have to buy my wok, but I think I�m set otherwise. I have all the picture frames, all the candles, all the wall scrolls, all the dishes, all of the cookware, everything my little apartment dwelling heart desires. I guess deep down every girl wants to play house.

I don�t have to deal with a bed that�s six feet off the ground anymore. I�m going to have my own room. I don�t have to settle for non-food anymore. And best of all�.I�m going to have a bathtub.

It�s such a shame that I still have three more days of work and a final in my class.

Actually, I�ve calculated that with my previous scores, I only need a 48% to get a 70% in the class. This is, of course, after whatever curve she decides that we meet. So if the test were 75 questions and in the worst case scenario, no curve, I�ll only need to answer 36 questions correctly.

I think I can do that.

After that, comes the ever-so-wonderful part where I have to clean out my car and go over to my dad�s and pick up the stuff that I�ve left there all summer. At least it will all still be packed. I�m not sure how I�m going to handle seeing my father for the first time in two and a half months. Maybe he won�t even be there�.

I keep thinking about how I just want to go home and go to sleep.

Wah�I just realized that I�ve run out of things to say.

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