Monday, Jan. 13, 2003 12:31 a.m.

I�m kinda tired, which is good. I should go to bed soon. In fact, I should be in bed right now, but I�m not.

This is just typical of me, really.

I don�t know why I don�t like going to bed. It�s like I fear waking up to a new day. It�s not that anything has recently gone wrong. I just can�t explain it. It�s like I find sleep boring, but once I am asleep, I don�t like to be interrupted.

I don�t know.

I saw the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers with AC, the Coworker, and her brother yesterday. It makes a lot more sense when you read the books. I haven�t finished the second book yet, but I remember the first time I saw the movie. I was so confused with all the jargon used, such as Urukai, which are a �race� of Orcs.

Yeah, there�s so much extra stuff in the movie, so if you haven�t read the books, I do recommend them.

I�m not sure why I went out last night; I hadn�t been feeling all that wonderful all day. However, even if you�re not feeling well, sometimes you just can�t stand the thought of being alone and �taking care� of yourself for another night. I decided to go, but to not put too much effort into the �getting ready� part of the night. I also figured that I wasn�t going to drink too much.

Man, oh man, was I right.

The party was some friend of AC�s brother�s birthday party. There were a whole bunch of people sitting on the couches watching, I kid you not, a football game. We went down into the icebox basement for some beer. The keg was Honey Brown, which I find a bit too sweet for my tastes. Anyway, the basement was absolutely freezing and all AC and I could do was sit on the couch. We watched her brother�s friends play Euchre and some other people play some Nintendo game.

Why would you go to a house party and play Euchre? I can understand if it were a smaller party and everyone was involved, but why go to a party and hole yourself up in the basement playing an exclusive game? AC and I suggested that everyone play a drinking game, but no one wanted to give up the deck of cards.

Yeah, great.

After awhile, we left and went to what AC�s brother called a �huge party� at his former co-op. It turned out to be about 10 people and a quarter barrel. AC and I had a quick cup of beer and called a cab to take us back to her place. CC, the Bald, came back with us and we talked while we ate pizza. Nothing exciting really happened.

Then I drove CC home and that was it.

Yeah, pretty boring for the first weekend back.

I do have a nice picture though, so click here.

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