Friday, Nov. 29, 2002 3:32 p.m.

I was expecting a lot worse. Seriously.

Usually family holidays come straight out of a Jerry Springer show, but this year everyone was surprisingly subdued. My sociopathic cousin, Cousin A, was busy with his computer games and was really well behaved. Cousin J didn�t show, so I didn�t have to deal with his arrogant and jaded attitude. Cousin D was there with Fiancee F, much to my annoyance. I have absolutely nothing against my cousin. His fianc�e, however, is seriously the epitome of everything I dislike.

She�s very loud. She doesn�t know the meaning of �soft-spoken�. Not only is she loud though, she�s crude. She swears a lot (which I think is very wrong in front of children) and she�s always shouting about some ignorant thing. For example, she tried to tell me (again) that if you capitalize any letter in a URL, it will send you to a porn site instead of the site originally intended.

I tried to tell her that this wasn�t true, that she should have gone to instead of, but she would not listen.

After all, why would I know anything.

Then, of course, when she did take a rare moment to listen, she realized that I was graduating in May (cousin D had been talking with me about possible jobs and she overheard). She took this moment to remind me that she was getting married in August and since I�ll be making �a lot of money�, I should give them a hefty gift.

She wasn�t kidding.

Then she was also reminding everyone that her daughter was graduating from high school and we should all send her lots of money (forgetting at that moment that I am graduating from college).

Other than her antics and my aunt getting drunk, Thanksgiving was relatively boring.

I�m not sure if that�s good or bad.

Anyway, I�m over at my dad�s right now because he�s making his turkey today. He took me over to Canada today and bought me the perfume that I really wanted (which was cheap as hell at the Duty Free store). I bought a couple bottles of really nice wine for less than $12.

I should go there more often.

Ugh, I have a headache and I still have to write my self-evaluation for capstone.

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