Friday, Oct. 25, 2002 12:36 a.m.

It feels weird to have nothing pressing due.

I�ve been feeling the listlessness for the past couple days. Don�t get me wrong, it�s not like I don�t have anything to do, but it�s nothing huge and it�s not due tomorrow.

It�s like I�m living in the Twilight Zone.

Anyway, today was a relatively stress-less day. I had my Capstone in the afternoon, in which nothing really genuine was accomplished. We did get our presentation results back. Apparently everyone loved my introduction, presentation style, and calmness. They didn�t really say anything about the boys� jobs. That doesn�t mean that my group members did a bad job; it just means that I made more of an impression.

So, even if I can�t seem to keep up with them technically-wise, I can definitely hack it as the front-woman in the business/presentation aspect.

I feel good about that, but I�m still going to work on my technical contributions.

After that, I ran back to my car to see that it was ticket-free for the fifth day in a row. I had a similar streak of luck toward the end of last school year, but I�m not going to jinx myself just yet.

Then it was off to pay bills, try and find my jump-rope, eat, mail a package, deposit checks, meet with a prof, drop something off at a friend�s apartment, run to Best Buy, stop at Taco Bell, and then the gym.

I met with this playwriting prof. He required that I bring a couple writing samples and meet with him in order to be approved for enrollment. He seemed suspiciously surprised that I was an electrical engineering major.

�Why do you want to be in this class?�

Now, depending on where the emphasis is on that question, it can be either really insulting or completely innocent. It�s not like engineers are incapable of writing; in fact, we have to do it quite a bit. I guess he was shocked to see a science and math based person trying to attempt at something artistic.

He asked if I had any theater experience.

I had to suppress a laugh. It�s not like I haven�t been in drama since I was in seventh grade. To top it off, one of the plays that we study is the play in which I did my scene out of for Acting 101 at Macomb.

I think I have the theater aspect down.

He looked at my writing samples and said that I had quite a versatility in writing style as well as a very firm grasp on the English language. He also complimented my vivid imagery.

Well that�s good.

However, the class is quite different than what I�m used to writing. In this class, I�m going to have to be able to portray something through body language (without having someone act it out for me) as well as dialogue (without having someone say it aloud for me) instead of inner monologues found in most of my fiction writing.

He laid out the basics of the class and asked if I was interested.

Hmmmm�.a challenging class fostering my creativity and pushing me in a direction I always wanted to go�

Why hell yes, I�m interested.

After meeting with him, I dropped off my old tiara at a friend�s place and went over to Best Buy to pick up a yoga DVD. While I was there, I stumbled upon old Sailor Moon episodes. Frightfully, they were in English, but it was still nostalgic to see discs of the show I used to love, English or not. I put them back in an act of self control and drove home.

I talked to my first ex online. I don�t think that I ever gave him a real name. I guess I can call him A, the Gymnast.

Anyway, sometime last week, he informed me that he was going to be attending State in the spring. I don�t know if he was expecting me to jump for joy or what�but I dunno.

It�s not like I don�t like him. He is, after all, still a decently nice guy. He�s never done anything mean to me (other than breaking up with me, heh) and we seem to get along just fine.

It�s actually his friends that I can�t stand.

There�s a specific one of them that looks exactly like a pig. He has, I swear to God, the worst attitude of anyone I�ve ever met. He acts like a big, tough guy who has women for only one purpose.

People like that drive me crazy.

I am not an object for him to ridicule. I know that there�s nothing wrong with the way a person makes a living, but I�m sorry, cleaning carpets for the rest of your life is not something to act like you�re better than everyone else about.

Anyway, I really hope that A�s arrival doesn�t make it so that I�ll have the possibility of running into his friend more than what is absolutely necessary.

After talking to him for awhile, I went to the gym. Then I came home and worked on my yoga video.

I learned something important today.

You cannot do yoga on carpeting. Not only does it hurt, but your feet slip. So I guess tomorrow I�m going to have to buy a yoga mat or something.

Hmmm�.they finally caught the sniper. Now there�s a guy who�s never going to get a fair trial.

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