Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2003 5:52 p.m.

I find myself absolutely enthralled with Jessica Simpson.

Actually, unlike most, I don�t dislike her. In fact, I like her quite a bit. Not that I�m the reigning president of her fan club, but I don�t actually find her to be a talented musician, even if she does fall into the pop category. She�s definitely a breath of fresh air compared to Britney Spears.

On one hand, you have Britney Spears who proclaimed to the world that she would hold on to her virginity until marriage. When she made this announcement, I stopped dead in my tracks and fell to my knees to genuflect in the name of the lord. Actually, I didn�t. The point I�m trying to make is that I could have cared less if she was going to remain a virgin or not. However, if she had no intention of sticking to her perverse Catholic school-girl image, why even bother with the announcement.

Some people have theorized that Britney is an absolutely brilliant strategist with regard to her career. Everyone may find her to be a no-talent hack who makes every possible mistake to remain in the spotlight. Now that may or may not be true. It�s pretty obvious that the whole reason behind her �kiss� with Madonna was to gain publicity. Do I believe, for a second, that Britney is a lesbian? No, not at all, but I never cared to begin with.

I find Britney to be absolutely without talent, and I find her antics to remain in the public eye rather pathetic and immoral. Is it working for her? Probably. I mean, I�m talking about her right now [I can�t seem to escape mention of her stupid album].

However, on the other hand, you have Jessica Simpson who, somehow, can�t seem to keep up with the antics of Britney or Christina. Jessica proclaimed that she, too, would save herself for marriage and made a public spectacle of her journey. Again, I couldn�t have cared less if she saved herself for the right man, but I can respect that she actually stuck to what she said. I don�t entirely find her to be the brightest bulb in the box after watching Newlyweds, but at least you get to see the �real� side of her�complete with insecurities and everything. I, personally, don�t find her whining all that horrible, but I don�t have to live with her. I find it rather entertaining, as it�s not like Nick, himself, makes all of the best decisions in the world.

Is it rather disgusting that reality TV has gone so far as to log the first few years of a married couple�s life? Yeah, it is. But I�m going to watch it anyway.

That being said, I have to wonder what, exactly, is wrong with society that someone like Britney Spears, who has no talent, can�t stick to her word, has no scruples, openly denegrades her fans can be on top compared to someone as sincere and talented as Jessica Simpson. Granted, Jessica has some growing to do with regard to her music, but she, at least, has the ability to hone her talent, whereas Britney doesn�t even have any�.

There�s something seriously wrong with this Tropicana Smoothie. It�s strawberry flavored, but I can�t get past the fluorescent color that reminds me oh-so-much of Pepto Bismol. It�s like they used too much juice making the thing. It seriously tastes pretty off. Yuck.

So the people of Virginia found the adult sniper guilty of murder. I was wondering what was taking them three days to figure out. I mean, based on the evidence that the prosecution presented, this looked like a no-brainer. It almost seemed like his defense team was a little lacking. It almost seemed as if they weren�t doing anything at all. Slam dunk indeed. So what the hell took three days? Did they have the same jury consultant that was on the Durst case? Well, at least the people of Virginia are definitely not as gullible, stupid, or whatever it took in California or New York.

Hmmm�.this Smoothie kinda smells funny too. Maybe I should stop drinking it�.

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