Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2002 1:30 a.m.

Pretty soon antenna theory and telecom will be done too�.

I�m pretty excited about that. I mean, I want to have my career in antenna theory but, no joke, that class was a lot of work. I�m still not even sure that I understood most of what went on and if that�s common or not.

My group members met today to work on the antenna and test to see if it worked. However, the one group member who made the antenna had a final and one of them didn�t show up�.at all�.

Much to my frustration, he didn�t call, nothing. He just didn�t show up.

So basically, since he didn�t do any work for the midterm, and he didn�t do any work for the final project�he�s going to skate on our grades.

I mean, he�s a nice guy and I like him�it�s just�.he doesn�t seem very dedicated to doing work. It�s like he�s taking advantage of the fact that the rest of us want really good grades and we�ll end up doing the work anyway.

Anyway, the antenna did not work for the longest time. Eventually the prof showed up and sent us in the right direction so that we�d at least get something done. After testing it, the antenna was working alright�not great, but alright.

And considering how little time we have left, �alright� was fine with me. One group go their antenna to work for the entire vector network analyzer spectrum. I only wish I could be that smart�

I drove the group member home who worked on the antenna and I was talking to him about graduation. He graduated on Saturday, so he�ll be moving home shortly. In fact, he was so drunk after commencement with his friends that he went ice skating, naked, while his friends got it all on video.

I don�t think I�ve ever been that drunk.

Anyway, I invited him to the bar on Friday with whoever decides to accompany me. He said that he�d like to go and then he asked, �Are you going to wear that short skirt and the go-go boots that you did before?�


�Well then, hell yeah I�ll go.�

I hate when they do that. I�m kinda attracted to him, but the thing is that there�s absolutely no point now because he�s moving home. I never saw much point during the semester either because we were always so busy and I decided that I was going to stop pursuing guys. If he wanted me, he�d come to me.

So do I think that he�s interested in me? No, not really. I think he�s just being his usual goofy self.

Would I still like him to come to the bar? Yeah, I would. After all, it�ll be the last time that I get to see him. We did have a very fun lab year. Maybe we�ll even keep in touch.

Anyway, I should continue studying�just thought I�d check in.

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