Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 11:36 p.m.


It was nice to get up leisurely today at 10:30. I didn�t oversleep class, I didn�t stay up too late, I didn�t have anywhere to run to as soon as I got up.

Ah�how it will soon change�

Antenna lab, as usual, sucked complete ass. It turns out that we couldn�t get the calculations at the end of the lab and the TA couldn�t tell us what was wrong, so I�m going to have to work on it later.


Oh�lol�.and my ticket-free streak finally ended. I knew it was going to, I knew it was going to end today, in fact. I parked my car this afternoon and noticed there was a ticket on the windshield of the car next to me. I put in $3 worth of quarters, but I knew full well that I would need $6. I just kinda hoped for the best.

Today, the best didn�t quite work out.

On a totally unrelated note, HT emailed me and asked me out�..I think.

I mean, he asked me to dinner on Friday, but is that a date? I dunno if he thinks of me as a friend or something more. It�s really hard to tell with guys lately unless the just flat out tell me.

Anyway, he always thanks me for calling him and he�s oh-so-sweet, but I seriously can�t tell if he�s like that with everyone.

But he is sooooooooo hot�.I really hope that fate is working in my favor this time.

Oh, and RP, the Roommate and I cleaned up the apartment really nicely. I did actually take pictures so that people could see that our apartment is occasionally clean, but I can�t find a disk to transfer them with. I will post them, because I need to put on the web that it is possible for me to have a clean place, heh.


Here are the pix:

The kitchen

The kitchen again

The hallway

The Living Room

The Dining Room

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