Saturday, Dec. 28, 2002 12:31 a.m.

What the fuck has the world come to?

Suddenly there�s some kind of religious sect who claim that they have created the first human clone, appropriately named �Eve�. Have you read about this group?

Their leader, a brilliant man, claims that humans evolved from genetic experiments by aliens and wants to begin cloning humans so that he and his followers can live forever.

How might he plan on living forever, you ask?

He and his group plan on cloning themselves and allowing the clone to grow into adulthood in which they will transplant their brains into the clones.

Yes, these are the first people who have claimed to have cloned to a human.

I don�t know where they got their scientists from, but what the hell?

They also claimed that it only took them 10 tries to accomplish this. Five of the implantations did not work, so there are expected to be four more clones on the way. However, from what I remember from my genetics class, it took something like over 200 tries to create Dolly because of the mysterious problems with cloning. I seriously doubt that this group has overcome the problems with limited cell division, imprinting, and specifying which genes stay on and which are off for proper growth.

I guess we�ll all know in ten days.

I also read in a magazine about this woman who was having trouble conceiving a child. She researched her problems and found that she was one of many teenage girls injected with hormones during puberty to keep her height more �ladylike�.

What the fuck is that?

There�s nothing wrong with being over 5�5� and I think it�s a travesty that people are encouraging the notion that girls are supposed to look a �certain way� and to top it off, they�re having problems later on in life because of these injections.

What kind of parent says, �hmmm�I don�t want you to be too tall, so let�s give you these painful injections that will prevent you from having children�?

Dear fuckin god people, what�s wrong with society?

We have some kind of psychotic group cloning humans who you know is really lead by some kind of star wars fanatic, obsessed with creating his own clone army. Then we have doctors telling parents that their girls will to be �too tall�.

I think I�m done with society.

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