Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003 10:23 p.m.

I hate doing laundry.

I know that on the scale of how bad chores actually are, laundry is like a negative value. I just hate gathering and separating clothes, only to be followed by locating the correct amount of change and then going out into the cold to the laundry room.

Then, I can�t do anything of substance, like take a bath to soothe my aching muscles.

I hate that it takes like $1.75 to do a load of laundry. That�s about as much of a rip off as the sodas on campus [which are $1 a can].

Well, surprisingly, I have most of my homework finished. All that needs to happen is that my apartment needs to burn down, so that I can get another zero. We all know how much Professor Dick likes to give me zeros. Maybe, with a swipe of poetic justice, there will be another train.

I�m trying to make a few CDs for the trip, but I�m realizing that a lot of my music is slow. I�m going through the songs that I do have right now, and I keep noticing how The Calling�s For You has all this crap in the middle of the song that distorts it. What the hell? I can�t forget to make CDs of my Lewis Black mp3�s.

It seems like I have so much left to do, but I�ve kept up a pretty good pace at taking care of errands. All of my laundry will be done by tonight. All that will be left will be to make sure I pay bills, pick up a crossword book, and then my favorite: packing.

Alas, I didn�t lose the 15 lbs in a week that I was hoping for. I guess I�ll have to live with my relatively hot self in the meantime. Spinning was a bitch tonight. The instructor decided to kick it into superhigh gear right before spring break.

Apparently, she�s going to Hawaii.

Man, it would be so nice to be hot, in great shape, and have enough money to go to Hawaii. Above all of that, she can tan. I wonder where the karmic balance is here. I must have a lot coming to me later on in life [or maybe I had it and missed it?].

What if my life was actually different? I don�t usually ponder such things because 1) it�s useless to wonder what could have happened and 2) I don�t necessarily believe that things would ever end up different.

What if my parents hadn�t divorced? My mom often mentions that our house was originally a �starter� home. Would I be living in a bigger house? Would I have less student loans? Would I have avoided all of those years of conflict?

What if I hadn�t gone to MSU? Would I have gone to Michigan Tech? Would I have stayed there? Would I have job offers?

What if D and I hadn�t broken up? Would I still be doing his homework? Would I be less independent? Would we have eventually grown up and stopped fighting all the time? Would I have eventually been happy with him?

What if I had avoided that whole P thing? Would last year have been as drunken? Would I have met someone else? Would I have more money?

Thinking about those questions gives me such a headache. I realize that despite the fact that I might have made wrong choices, this is the way that things are supposed to be. If any of those decisions had swayed the other way, I wouldn�t be the person that I am today. I�m happy with who I am, even if my surroundings aren�t perfect. I keep noticing that wherever I go, people are always complaining. AC and I complain in a playful way, but we both know how good we have it. We are both pretty happy with the way things are. So what if I�m no longer model-thin? So what if I didn�t save all of my money? It�s not that bad in the end. I have a simple life�free of the drama that used to exist with plenty of opportunities on the horizon.

I don�t care if I�m not cookie-cutter happy.

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