Thursday, Jan. 31, 2002 5:45 p.m.

Secret never really understood what LL, the Nice Guy, had been going through for so long. Though she had only entered the beginning stages of his same situation, she didn�t realize that his world had gone so upside down.

Secret wondered what the fates had in mind by dropping bombshell after bombshell on her. She never thought that things like this would happen to her.

The night had started with her having a rough time at class, as usual and the pain in her stomach wasn�t lessening enough to let her concentrate on her electromagnetics lab. Her thoughts had been drifting between her homework and P, the Conqueror, who had been so aloof since their fight the previous week about his strange behavior. She had been getting the feeling that he wasn�t very truthful in his pleas that he had not been getting involved with anyone else.

Was that the reason she downed half a fifth of Captain Morgans?

For whatever reason, P decided that he would not meet with her in person causing Secret to get RP, the Roommate, JG, the no longer Smug but easy to get along with guy, and RP�s new boyfriend, involved in her stupid emotional tangles. So after canceling P�s AOL privileges, RP drove her over to his place where he wouldn�t answer her.

This is where drunken Prominence took over.

RP noticed that P�s apartment window was partly open and could slide down. Secret, hardly thinking at all at this point, had no qualms about climbing through the window. So there was Prominence pushing herself through a tiny window and climbing onto his unstable computer desk, surprisingly not breaking anything. She walked into his room to find him under the blankets.

Secret took a deep breath and took over again saying the damnable words,

�I know you�ve been cheating on me.�

At first he didn�t answer but after enough prodding, he had admitted to sleeping with two different girls since the previous weekend.

Secret was floored and couldn�t help but think that if she had just kept her mouth shut about their previous fight that none of this would have ever happened. But she quickly shook that thought out of her head as the tears spilled down her cheeks. P, reached to put his arms around her.

�Don�t touch me!� she shouted, starting to get hysterical. A million questions were going through her head; why had this happened? Why did she think she was above it? Why did she love someone who did this to her?

�I had a bad week�� he muttered.

�You had a bad week?! You had a bad week?! I�ve spent the last seven days sick with no one knowing what�s wrong with me��

�I know, I know,� he replied. Secret could hear the sniffling that was rising in his throat. He was starting to cry.

�I�m sorry, I�m sorry,� he just said.

~I�ll always remember, it was late afternoon. It lasted forever and ended so soon. You were all by yourself, staring up at a dark gray sky. I was changed.~

She didn�t know what to think, other than she just didn�t want to be there anymore. She didn�t want to be anywhere anymore. She wanted to be home with her kitties that loved her without question and would never do anything like this to her.

�All I�ve ever wanted to do was make you happy. I love making you grilled cheese and rubbing your back while you�re studying��

He could only cry harder.

~In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. It was then that I realized that forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry.~

�How could you do this to me?� she just kept repeating. Though to everyone else, it seemed like they weren�t together, that was not actually the case. Neither would call the other his or her girlfriend or boyfriend. But they had always had this mutual understanding that they were definitely more than the friends that they pretended to be. They both maintained their singleness but never acted on it with anyone else�until now.

He kept trying to hold her hand, but she kept pulling it away.

�I loved you�� Secret said regretfully. She thought of the first time they had gotten together almost a year and a half ago. How he had spent that first night trying to figure out the exact color of her eyes.

~It was late in September and I�d seen you before. You were always the cold one, but I was never that sure. You were all by yourself staring up at a dark gray sky. I was changed~

It was true that he had changed her life in some ways. He had brought her back from the abyss she had fallen so deep into while dating D, the Sweetheart. She had become so dependent and he had saved her from that. He had saved her from the boringness and ordinariness.

�I know�I�m sorry,� he repeated, the tears falling down his face.

Secret buried her face in her hands, the tears spilling out the sides. She let him touch her this time, but only for a moment. Every time the thought of him with someone else popped into her head, she felt sick.

Is this what LL had been feeling?

P got even more upset when she pulled away, but he relented, trying to find some non-contact way to console her.

~In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. It was then that I realized that forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry.~

�What was so bad about your week?� she hissed at him. He didn�t want to change the subject so easily though, and Secret was starting to respect that he was facing the consequences instead of running away from her. And whenever she did manage to get a grip on herself, she felt so torn when she saw the tears streaming down his face.

~I wanted to hold you. I wanted to make it go away. I wanted to know you, I wanted to make your everything, all right�~

She curled up behind him and rubbed his back telling him that everything was going to be okay, when she was even sure that she had felt that way. She was sure that she would try her hardest to make sure that everything was truly alright for him because she couldn�t magically make herself hate him.

In fact she regretted even being so mean about accusing him.

~I�ll always remember, it was late afternoon. In places no one will find. In places no one will find, all your feelings so deep inside. Forever was in your eyes. It was then that I realized that forever was in your eyes, the moment I saw you cry.~

He couldn�t stop crying and Secret could help but feel even worse.

�What are you feeling right now?� Secret asked.

�I don�t want to tell you because you won�t believe me.�

�Please tell me.�

�I wanted it to be special.�


�I love you,� he said as another tear fell down his face.

~The moment I saw you cry�.oh no no...I think I saw you cry. The moment I saw you cry~


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