Saturday, Oct. 12, 2002 2:53 a.m.

In retrospect, looking back on the past week, I don�t think that I�d like to explain what I did on Friday.

I am, however, sticking to that oath not to drink for awhile for the time being. I was way too exhausted today to even consider going out, let alone drinking.

I suppose, I�ll have to explain.

My weeks have suddenly become even busier than I previously was. I have three interviews next week, two of which are on the same day. Maybe they�ll go well, but it�s still a good sign that so many companies are already interested in my resume.

I�ve also decided to lend a hand to the student athletes by agreeing to tutor two wrestlers in ECE 305 or electromagnetic fields and waves 1. I�m not sure how I�m going to do, considering I did little to no work in that class, but I did manage to pull a 3.5 out of it. And of course, I�m in the third class in that subject now.

Actually, I�m pretty proud of my work lately. There has been no scamming and I�ve really taken charge of one of my groups, the one that we�re designing a dual band GPA antenna in. It�s going really well. I really do love that group. Think about it: none of us are too serious, we all get along great, and when it comes down to it, we can work like nothing else.

I�m damn proud of us.

I�m also proud of my capstone group, but that�s nothing new. I�m working with seriously, the best group in the class. One of the members has a 3.98 in a double major: ECE and math.

Damn, that�s all I have to say.

Anyway, as for today�..

Yeah, I had this HUGE SWE national conference thing going on. For those of you not familiar with engineer lingo, SWE = society of women engineers. Anyway, this year happened to be a very good year for me, because the national conference was in Detroit, so I had quite the opportunity to spread my resume around.

I�ve found that I really do want to work as an antenna engineer. I�ve also found that there are a lot of openings for antenna engineers, especially in aerospace. I�ve always wanted to work in aerospace, actually. Well, anyway, a lot of the aerospace companies took multiple copies of my resume back with them, so that�s encouraging.

It was a really productive day.

It was a day that made me damn happy to be me, heh.

On another note, I got a cute voicemail from HT, my former coworker that I�ve had a crush on for three years. He was so nervous and stammering, it was really cute.

Tee hee!

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