Tuesday, Apr. 09, 2002 7:07 p.m.

Just when I thought the earth was safe��

�Scientists have identified a thousand-yard-wide (one-kilometer-wide) asteroid that may be heading for a collision with Earth�878 years from now.

Using radar and optical measurements made over the past 51 years, researchers have calculated that there is up to a one-in-300 possibility that Asteroid 1950 DA will slam into Earth on March 16, 2880. Their work is published in the April 5 issue of Science.�

Wow, I better invest in that bomb shelter that I�ve always had my eye on and thought was sorely needed. Now, I�ll be safe in 878 years.

Oh wait.

Duh! I�m most certainly not going to be around in 878 years unless it�s in some cloned/cryogenic form.

I�d better put a hold on that bomb shelter.

Anyway, today was a fun filled day of working on my presentation with my two group members for electromagnetcs. I really like L, she�s a very ambitious, nice girl. I�m about two seconds away from disemboweling T, the other guy. L and I have told him over and over what to do. In fact, we�ve even written the presentation. All he had to do was pick which slides to read off and not screw up the calculations.

He couldn�t even do that.

�I don�t care.�

I�m gonna make you care you son of a biscuit.

After L and I forcefed T exactly what it was he was going to do, she drove me back and we proceeded to complain about his lack of effort in the car.

For the first time in awhile, I can say that I�ve put serious effort into most of my classes and I hate being around people who don�t. Granted, I�m part of this whole homework swapping thing, but when it comes to studying, labs, and presentations (the stuff that really counts) I�ve gone in with both guns blazing.

(gasp) Am I turning into a real engineer?

(shudders) That just reminded me of A.I. and frankly, I don�t want to think of that movie for awhile, unless it�s about that walking, talking teddy bear.

I have a serious bone to pick with my mother�s husband.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and he told me very specifically when I was running away from him like he had the ebola virus that he�d contact me if something was wrong.

So, I hadn�t heard from him, so everything was ok right?

Not exactly.

My mother called me today, breathless and upset saying, �I checked the old messages and there was one from Dr. Icky saying you needed to call him right away. He also mentioned something about being open on the weekends��

�When was this call?�

�Well, it�s from before Saturday at least.�



It obviously wasn�t my mother�s fault. She would tell me if the doctor called, so unless the cats learned how the answering machine works, my stepfather pulled his usual bullshit where he checks the messages and doesn�t tell anyone.

How can he seriously disrespect me like that?

I think he did it on purpose.

And he will pay�.hahahahahahahaha!

Just kidding.

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