Thursday, Oct. 30, 2003 11:20 a.m.

I�m going to go insane if I have to hear that guy coughing constantly a few cubes down from me. I mean, what does it take to go buy some cough suppressant or cough drops for crying out loud? Sooooooooo�..irritating.

It�s been an interesting week of ups and downs. It seems that I said that my life was too boring, so in comes all the drama to spice it up. All I can say is this: I will not be upset in the least when I finally move out on my own.

It basically all started last Saturday. My dad had called me the previous week to tell me that I could have most of my bedroom furniture and a few other things from his house for my apartment. That, of course, came as a wonderful surprise for me, because I hate spending money on things such as furniture. It�s amazing what you can take for granted. Anyway, I let him know that my mom and I would be coming over on Sunday to come get all of the things he was offering. He had offered my bed frame, my mattress, my dresser, a few night tables, a coffee table�.and I think that�s it. My mom and I were going to go get it on Sunday because my stepfather would be out of town [Texas again] and he would be leaving his truck.

It�s usually better if he doesn�t come. He has a tendency to whine, especially when my father is involved in anything.

B and I went back to my mom�s house to go to the mall and look at a dress for my upcoming holiday party and my father decides to call.

First, he tells me that I can�t have his coffee table. The table was part of a set that his mother used to own and gave to him. It was by no means expensive [that woman doesn�t have expensive taste in anything, really], but she wasn�t �comfortable� with me having it.

In other words, she was trying to make my life a living hell.

Now some of you, who don�t know me very well, may be wondering why someone�s grandmother would purposely go out of her way to make sure that her only grandchild was miserable. Those of you who question this have obviously never heard me talk of the woman. Sometimes, I question whether or not she is the devil in the flesh.

Well, I�m only kidding�.kinda.

Anyway, she likes to control all things. This wasn�t about me possibly breaking or scuffing up her precious table that she doesn�t even own anymore [and never will]. This was about her exerting her control over my father. Any time that he plans on doing anything remotely responsible with regard to his child, his mother has to step in and make sure that she establishes her dominance. I don�t really care. She can have my father as far as I�m concerned.

He told me that since it used to be her coffee table, he had to be fair to her. So, supposedly, he plans on buying me a new table since he already promised me the old table.

Okay�I�m sure there�s a catch in there somewhere, but I haven�t figured it out.

Then he tells me that I can have the bed frame, but not the mattress.

Now what the hell good to him is a mattress, but no bedframe? He claims that he needs the mattress for �visitors� [grandma] to sleep on. I told him that he should either let them sleep on the pull out couch, or let his �visitors� stay in a hotel. But�.no�.grandma wouldn�t possibly be comfortable sleeping on a pull out couch, and how dare we suggest she stay in a hotel for three months?!

My grandmother comes to Michigan every summer for three months at a time. It�s so ridiculous that she has her mail forwarded to his house. Anyway, when I lived there for that brief period of time when I had turned 21, he told me that Grandma would get my bedroom and sleep in my bed, he would sleep in his bed, and I�d have to spend the summer sleeping on the pull out couch.

Now, let me get this straight. The only person in the whole house who was actually working would have to be the most uncomfortable? I don�t think so.

Anyway, I told him it was ridiculous to keep the mattress, especially after he promised, and give up the bed frame. He argued with me for awhile, asking, of course, what my mother has contributed to this situation [let�s see, $1000, a desk, a vacuum cleaner, my entire kitchen..;what else?]. It ended with me hanging up on him.

Then he called back and said that I could have the mattress. I don�t know what happened, but I get the feeling that grandma wants a waterbed to sleep on or something. However, although he conceded in giving me the mattress, he was still arguing with me. I hung up the phone and turned it off.

I haven�t spoken to him since, but I suppose I should let him know that we�re coming for everything before he changes his mind.

Things were going pretty well again until I noticed that I was getting a pretty horrible sinus cold. I�m still waiting for the day where I can wake up and admit that I�m fully healthy.

Something else rather dramatic happened on Monday, but I see no good into going into it on here.

And then, of course, the board that I�m on has gone into some kind of dramatic overdrive.

So it seems like there�s been nothing but drama lately. I think things are starting to calm down. Maybe it was because of Halloween�.who knows?

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