Monday, May. 19, 2003 10:15 p.m.

I wish that I could draw somewhat decently.

I think that my life would be about ten times easier if I had some kind of drawing talent. Why, you ask? I think I shall just have to tell you.

I have quite the imagination. It was great when I was younger. I most certainly was never a bored little kid. My imagination has waned, which is both bad and good. It�s good in the sense that I don�t lose track of what I�m doing and daydream all the time; it�s bad in the sense that I�m less creative than I was when I was younger.

Anyway, I always seem to have the craziest dreams. I bet that if I could actually get my dreams on paper, I could come up with a story that would rival The Matrix. The problem, though, is that I never have time to start, let alone finish, a story. I can�t even seem to get an outline down, and, of course, with dreams the details fade so quickly. I bet that if I had the talent to draw out a picture from my dream, that I would remember it. I�m a visual learner, and I bet that writing the story would come back a lot faster if I had a picture to stare at.

I don�t know, though, if I could actually improve my skill through practice. Not only do I not have the time to write, but I also don�t have the time to be patient enough to learn how to draw. I suppose I�ll just have to suffer.

I could always dictate my dream to myself with a recorder�but I hate listening to my own voice.

Eh�I�ll figure something out.

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