Tuesday, Jul. 09, 2002 10:44 a.m.

I think that I�m starting to lose my mind.

I keep having the weirdest dreams and the fact that I remember them only compounds the fact that I�m not getting enough sleep. Usually when I�m dreaming about a guy, it�s someone I know. Lately, the guy who stars in my dreams is someone that I don�t know and can�t even describe when I wake up.

The dream originally took place in the condo that my dad used to live in about 5 years ago. The same furniture was there, everything was the same as it was before. Well, except he didn�t have any annoying wives or girlfriends about and I was 21 instead of 16. That condo had a history of annoyingly loud neighbors, which plays into the events of my dream. Someone was in our patio with motorized rollerblades or something like that. Whatever it was, it was as loud as a lawnmower. I think that I was watching TV or something and I opened the door to tell him to knock it off. He nodded at me and went away. I went back to watching TV when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and it was the guy sans his annoying loud footwear.

�I�m sorry,� he said to me. I moved back from the door and let him in. I wish I could remember his face, but I was instantly attracted to him, especially with this sense of sincerity that surrounded him. I invited him into the kitchen and we talked for a while.

I�m not sure what happened but it was suddenly dark, as if we had been talking for hours. I saw motion out of the corner of my eye and I saw that JG, the Formerly Smug and Now Lost, was waving at us to come over to his place, which was right across the pathway. I�m not sure why, but John (that was the mysterious rollerblader�s name) and I had to sneak over there. He took my hand and we crouched down in the darkness as we crossed the pathway and darted into JG�s house.

JG, by the way, lives nowhere near my dad�s old condo.

There was music playing in the house and it was dark. People were everywhere; it was almost like the inside of a club�dark, hazy, loud. JG�s mom was wearing a bathrobe walking around the house asking if anyone would watch a DVD with her. I started to peruse their DVD collection and it was as if a room of the house had turned into a warehouse. They had multiple copies of almost every single DVD and with each copy were six packs of various beers and malted beverages. It was almost as if the Smirnoff Ice/The Jackal were a collectors edition of some sort.

We never really picked out a movie, but I think we were drunk or slaphappy. JG, John, me, and a couple of other people that I don�t remember got into someone�s black SUV and drove down the street. The street had suddenly changed from my father�s condo to my mother�s street with houses. We pulled into someone�s driveway and decided to be reckless. We were ramming their garage when someone shouted that the cops were coming. We drove around in the SUV, but we couldn�t park it in the driveway because we were afraid that the cops would recognize it. We parked it on the street a ways down from JG�s house and scattered to find rides away from the scene.

In the chaos, I ran into an old friend of mine KZ and she was stoned. She wasn�t actually at the party though; she was just passing through or something. I got into her car and turned to wave at John to get in, but he had disappeared in the crowd.

�John!� I shouted, but KZ told me that she needed to go. I saw John get into another car heading in the other direction; the direction I needed to go in. KZ seemed happy and oblivious of what was going on. She pulled out of the subdivision and suddenly we were on Grand River in East Lansing. I told her she could loop around to Hagadorn to get back to my place (which was back to my father�s condo). As we drove back, we entered the subdivision and I saw John walking. I told KZ that she could drop me off by the pool and I would just walk the rest of the way.

I ran after John, but didn�t shout to him because of the police that were patrolling the area. He saw me and motioned that I should follow him to his place. He was the pool caretaker and had his own small condo that was given to him by the complex. As we were walking toward his place, we were caught in headlights and a police officer started to chase us. We had made it almost all the way to his condo, which had some strange way of getting to the door. He jumped up onto some landing and climbed through the window. I was about to follow him, but the cop was walking toward his porch and would have caught me. I dove into the dirt in his flowerbed and lay very still, hiding next to the porch.

Now, I could feel the intensity of every moment here and had felt extreme emotion through almost the whole dream.

The cop shined his flashlight on me but never saw me and after a few moments gave up. I didn�t have to jump onto the landing; somehow John just let me in.

We curled up together on his bed and without even going to sleep, it was suddenly day again. He told me that he had to go to work for a little while and that I could just stay there. I walked around the place and heard on the TV news that someone had been murdered in the neighborhood of JG�s party and his car had gone missing, which had explained the actions of the police.

I decided to go outside in the sunshine and as I was walking back toward my dad�s condo, I noticed a strangely placed garage. It wasn�t even on the condo property, but was instead over on Detroit Edison�s power line property. I went over to it and the door was open. There was a car in it, with a trailer attached to the back.

For some odd reason, I knew it was John�s garage and I�m not sure why. I looked inside the garage. There were various electronics parts in it and�.

�.this is where my dream turned scary�.

�the dead body of the missing/murdered person from the party. I started screaming and John had come back without me even seeing him. I tried to run, but he caught me and pulled me back to his place.

I wasn�t sure what he was going to do, but I was still attracted to him and wanted to be with him at the same time that I feared for my life. I�m not sure exactly what pushed me toward the fear part, but suddenly I was running, trying to dial 911.

It wouldn�t work, of course.

It even took forever to tell me that the number had been disconnected. I tried again with the same result. Finally I dialed the operator and asked for her to send the police to an address that was on a sheet of paper (John�s address) that I had kept. Before I could finish with the condo number, he had pulled the phone from me.

I don�t know how, but JG, KZ, and a couple other of my friends were also captive in his condo. I think he might have been a serial killer or something. I found the phone again and again called the operator while each of them fought him off so that we could get help. I think that he started stabbing people and was right upon me when he said, �All I wanted to do was love you. You had to make things so complicated�� and went to stab me.

That�s when I woke up.

Strangely though, I still had some kind of feelings for him besides fear when he was about to kill me. I wish I knew what he looked like because he�s starred in a few of my dreams lately. I always recognize him when I�m sleeping, but I can never even describe any of his features when I am awake.

It�s starting to get creepy because I�m afraid that one of these days I�m going to run into a complete stranger and it will be the same face from my dreams. Every single one of the dreams starts with me meeting him and being fiercely attracted to him, and they all end seemingly tragically.

It�s almost as if my dreams are trying to tell me something.

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