Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 1:18 a.m.

Ah�what a fun filled weekend did I have!

That�s sarcasm if you didn�t notice, but I�m not quite sure why. If anything, my weekend was mostly neutral.

I missed genetics yet again (and again today) on Friday, and since I had a doctor�s appointment in the afternoon, I was going to be missing Antennas.

This time, I decided to grab Bandit and take him home to see if he�d interact alright with Trouble (who now has his tube out) or at least well enough for me to leave him there while I�m in California.

He did not get along with Trouble.

I went to the doctor and it was full of its usual waiting and ickyness as is always characteristic of Dr. Icky. I�m really glad I don�t have to see him on a regular basis and I don�t get how he can have serious conversations with these women when he does what he does�.

Moving on�

I was too tired to drive back to State and try the whole party scene thing, not to mention that Bandit was pretty pissed off about being driven and dropped off in an unknown place. I didn�t want to traumatize him too much for one day.

As time went on, Bandit seemed to go back to his old ways including attacking Trouble in a playful way as much as possible. Trouble reacted in his usual manner by smacking my cat around, so all was well.

I also couldn�t touch Cleo because she hated the sight of me for bringing Bandit over.

Yeah, Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to be great�.

Saturday, I grabbed a new pair of shoes for my new suit because I was informed that I was going to be walking a lot while in Cali. I can handle it, after all, that�s what this money I have is for, right?

I drove back to State relatively early and hit the gym and then later did my new yoga DVD.

Needless to say, my legs hurt.

Just as I was steaming some asparagus, AC, the Coworker called and asked if I wanted to go to a Halloween party.

She called at about 8:15.

My hair was soaking wet, I was wearing sweats, and steaming asparagus. This is not usually a problem because I don�t usually leave to go out until like 11:00.

This, however, was a special situation. It was 8:15 and I didn�t have a costume.

The Halloween stores would be closing in 45 minutes.

I scarfed the asparagus and ran out the door, realizing later that I was neither wearing underwear nor a bra�and basically my wet hair became icicles. I hit every single light on the way to Halloween USA and quickly pulled in to a spot. I had no real plan, but I had a vague idea that was based on the Halloween experience that I had a couple years ago.

A couple years ago, I drove to Troy to see P, the Conqueror, wearing a black dress that I looked particularly good in. It was Halloween and he suggested that we go to a costume party, plopping some random witch hat that was on a table on my head.

Since I had virtually no time, I picked out a fine witches hat and a broom, trying desperately, but with no success to locate either fishnet tights or spiderweb tights. I also picked up, of course, beer. Hahaha.

Anyway, I got ready (and pretty drunk too) and called a cab to meet up at AC�s place. Apparently, her boyfriend wouldn�t be joining us and we�d be walking (scantily clad) by our lonesome to the party. At this point, I was buzzing pretty well and didn�t really care that we were alone, besides, I was carrying my witch�s broom like some kind of Japanese stick fighting instrument. So we walked on our merry little way and arrived at a very smoke-filled party.

The most original costume I saw was a jellyfish. Some girl took a large dome and attached curly ribbon strings to it. It was really cool, but she had a serious attitude problem, since she said to me, �I�m a jellyfish, now go on your little way and go away.�

The party was��well rather uneventful. I dunno, either I wasn�t able to get my outgoing side out and in full force or the party sucked�.I�m not sure.

I went home after some really really really good pizza that magically appeared out of AC�s oven and went to sleep.

Sunday�.I did absolutely nothing.

That brings me to today�.

I overslept genetics and went to Antennas to do the GPS presentation. It went well and we got no questions on how we managed to achieve circular polarization. Then I actually went to TC 100, but mostly because I had a question for the prof.

I have a problem.

I�m going to be in California when the last part of my online discussion is going to be due. I asked the prof if there was some way of working it out; he told me to do it before I left.

That gives me a day to read all of the responses and respond. Actually, I think it gives me less than a day because I�m supposed to get back to the Heights kinda early for my flight.

I pointed this out to him; he told me to work fast.


I swear that some profs have a serious chip on their shoulder. I�m sorry that I can�t take TC 100 very seriously, considering I�m taking it as a blowoff class. I�m sorry that I�m in a major that actually allows me to look for jobs out of state. I�m sorry I�m not some lowly frosh, ready and willing to take his word for gold.

Most of the time, he�s full of shit anyway, so it�s not like I was expecting much.

I really am tempted to post those idiotic drunken pictures I took on Saturday�.we�ll see if I bother to transfer them.

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