Monday, Apr. 21, 2003 11:39 a.m.

Ahhh what a dreary, dreary day. I would be in a bad mood [being as I usually am on cloudy, nasty days], but I don�t really have time to be in a bad mood. I mean, compared to the last few years, finals week, this year, will be cake. I have one honors option paper to finish, a few extra credit assignments, my VHDL project/paper/presentation to finish this week [the first two aren�t even due this week, I just want to get them done]. Next week, I have my presentation, a paper, and two exams. I�ve even heard that we may have the option of not taking our religion final if we�re happy with our grade. That would, of course, require the prof to actually hand back our things so that we know our grade, but at this point, I don�t even care. It�d be sooooooooooo sweet to finish on Tuesday morning. That would leave me almost four full days to pack, drive things home, enjoy myself, relax, and say goodbye.

I have, of course, other things to finish this week though. I need to get my cap and gown, my honors stole, grocery shop, and the usual, but it�s nothing all that pressing. Hell, I remember when I had three or four engineering projects all coming in in this last week. I�m happy as a clam with what I have due currently.

I�ve been thinking [since I watch so much Charmed/Harry Potter/Smallville] at how much nicer the world would be if there were magic in it. I mean, I wouldn�t even need to possess any; it would be nice enough just to watch other people do things. The world seems so boring when you realize that everything is so ordinary. Of course, these feelings may be from the book I�ve been sucked into. I started this series: Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, which is four books [and about 3000 pages] long. It�s out of my usual genre, but I�m finding that science fiction/fantasy is pretty entertaining. Plus, the writer is brilliant at keeping the reader�s attention, and he must be doing a damn good job of making it �real� enough. I�ve had several dreams about the Sithi and quite a few daydreams and wonderings when I wasn�t reading the book.

Good times.

Easter was truly uneventful. Well, by uneventful, I mean �not as bad� as it usually is. Fiancee F and Cousin D didn�t even bother showing up, even though everyone thought that they were coming and made enough food accordingly. They didn�t bother calling, nothing. I would go on about how rude that is, but what can I expect from them; they are the pinnacle of rudeness.

So instead of Fiancee F bellowing around and being irritating, Cousin A decided to take over. He was so unbelievably obnoxious. I don�t think he�s been this bad since he was six years old. I realize that little boys [13 year olds] are annoying by default, but he seemed to have some sort of animosity toward me. I don�t know what my aunt tells him, but he wouldn�t stop trying to bait me into some kind of fight.

�J only reads books�.how stupid��

�J won�t play Yatzee because she stinks��

Actually, I was thumbing through a cooking magazine with my grandmother and I hate the game of Yatzee [or however it�s spelled] for the sole reason of how freakin noisy the dice are and how little skill is involved. I did indulge him in a trivia game [Who Wants to be a Millionaire] but he got so irritating with that that I had to quit. I mean, when I would get a question right, he�d tell me I was wrong and he couldn�t even pronounce the words properly. I mean, I understand that his reading skills aren�t at their peak at 13, and I can be patient. He, however, needs to learn the value of patience because whenever he�d get a word wrong, he�d start screaming and throwing things. His mother didn�t bother to try and help him, she�d just berate him�.so I guess I can understand his impatience.

Anyway, after that game was done, my mother and aunt played Yatzee with him and on top of the stupid dice noise, he was screaming at the top of his lungs every time someone was beating him�.and belching, and throwing himself everywhere, and kicking things�.

Needless to say, my aunt didn�t say a word, and I was about ready to leave after two hours. I can�t believe that his mother doesn�t tell him to settle down when he misbehaves like that�but she expects all of us to coddle to him [and she even wants my mother and I to join her on her trip to Dollywood.] I can�t imagine myself in a car with him that long.

We drove home�.and that was about it. Nothing else happened.

And speaking of which, I gotta get ready for the gym�

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