Saturday, Dec. 07, 2002 12:28 a.m.

Well kids, Capstone is officially over.

No thanks to me, of course.

Wednesday evening, after going to the gym, doing both my core conditioning and arms Pilates workouts, and then venturing off to the EB in a relatively good mood, something terrible happened. I managed to watch Law and Order without incident, but around 11 pm, my stomach started to hurt. I decided to read in bed and eventually fell asleep around 1 am. Then, at 3 am, I ran to the bathroom and started what would be about 30 hours of throwing up.

I had caught the flu.

The last time I was that sick was the weekend I was supposed to move up to State for the first time during freshman welcome week. It appears that whoever is in charge of picking when and who has the flu decides to only choose me on the worst possible days.

Thursday was the day of my final presentation in Capstone.

Since I was throwing up about every hour on the hour, sometimes even less, I got virtually no sleep and both emailed and called my prof several times to figure out exactly I was supposed to do in the class where we�re not even supposed to miss a day.

I also managed to get ahold of one of my group members pretty early so that he could take my place in the presentation. My prof also assured me that I wouldn�t have to risk throwing up while trying to drive myself to the doctor and told me to go back to sleep. The problem was that I couldn�t. I could get a few minutes of shut eye every once in awhile, but I was so thirsty from all of the fluids lost that I kept sipping water and thus kept throwing it up.

Then I got that horrible chest pain that I get once in awhile and I was absolutely miserable for about an hour and a half. Eventually, I fell fast asleep and woke up around 7 pm.

I missed about a dozen emails from my various groups and I guess that things were going along nicely. I managed to choke out an email or two, but the computer screen made me nauseous, so I didn�t stay on it too long.

Thankfully, with the exception of a couple of times of having to run to the bathroom, I managed to get a decent night�s sleep.

And after the past couple days that I�ve had, I�m going back there right now.

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