Wednesday, Apr. 17, 2002 11:34 p.m.

I hate living here.

I have been enjoying my water balloon fun for like three days now. I haven�t hit anyone on purpose; the whole goal of the fun was to scare people by throwing water balloons near them. I understand elementary physics in which the higher an object falls from, the more force the object exerts when it hits the ground. I�m not going to risk poking out someone�s eye with pieces of latex.

Therefore, I�m not aiming to hit anyone.

Neither has anyone else.

We�ve even been conscious of people carrying books, electronics, or people we don�t know that could end up very angry.

Now, this is where the living here part sucks.

The people who are on some power trip, mainly the RA�s or graduate assistants, are running around threatening to write people up.

Go ahead, write me up: I�m moving in two weeks. I could really give a fuck.

The problem I have is that no one has any proof of who is actually throwing water balloons. In fact, another couple floors has joined in on the fun. Now, can I really suffer any consequences without actually being proven as the �perpetrator�?

I don�t think so.

Go ahead, threaten away.

The general atmosphere of living in dorms is like living in a police state. Every possible thing that you can think of is not allowed. However, when it comes to serious problems, do they do anything?

No. They hide their pathetic power trip heads in the sand.

Let me get this straight. I can be kicked out of the dorms for tossing water balloons but that psycho that lived across the hall with JG can threaten to kill his roommate, publicly list my private information, and terrorize people on the floor can go on living happily in the dorms?

The �authority� would rather pick on harmless pranks that take care of real issues such as people who need serious therapy and could be a true danger to others? That is ridiculous.

Also, I believe the actual figures are around $5000 per year of living in the dorms and being supplied with food. The food, and I use this term loosely, is overcooked, redundant slop that has no flavor because the dorms have to sensitive to people who prefer flavorless food. We pay about $7 a meal for this crap. Also, there is a food service that allows you to get snacks later on in the evening and during the day but only allows you two drinks, two entrees, and three sides. The two drinks could be two tiny milk cartons, two full sized cups of soda, or two tiny juice drinks or any combination thereof. How is it fair, if you prefer milk or juice, that you only get half or even a third of the serving? The two entrees allow you to get pizza, a hot dog, or nachos. Since when is nachos considered an entr�e? The sides are considered soup, fruit, treats, cereal, or bagels. Alright, what if you want only fruit? You can only get three oranges because of the limits on sides. Three oranges cost $7? It�s ridiculous how cheap they are considering the amount of money we pump into the system.

Not only this, but last night we had some kind of Alien Disco dinner. You would think that this food was special, wouldn�t you?

Not exactly.

It was the same old crap only the caf� was decorated with blacklights, blow up aliens, disco balls and related stuff, and there was a DJ.

A loud, annoying DJ playing 70�s music.

I�m sorry, I don�t want to hear music so loud that I can�t talk to my friends while I�m eating dinner. I�d prefer just to watch the Simpsons.

So instead of taking the money spent on decorations and the DJ (which everyone was annoyed with) and buying us better food, they instead wasted it on annoying and stupid crap that no one wanted in the first place.

Thank God I�m leaving.

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