Thursday, Jan. 23, 2003 2:23 p.m.

I am so flippin angry. I�m seriously having one of the worst days of the entire year [yeah, that makes sense, since the year is only 23 days old].

Do you remember me talking about a really anal prof who expects us to turn in our homework with boxed answers, on engineering paper, with a staple about a half inch from the top left side of the paper?

Well that ugly bitch and I came to a head today.

I did my homework; in fact, I spent hours doing it yesterday and last night. I worked really hard on it. I had it all set to turn in this morning. I got on the bus [on time] with a couple of guys in my class. We were talking during the ride, laughing about what would happen if some weird circumstances popped up and we were late.

Well, I believe we spoke too soon.

In order to get on campus, the bus has to cross train tracks. There is no avoiding them. It is impossible to get on campus without crossing the train tracks. Well, as we�re nearing the point at which we cross, there�s a train going by. The problem, however, arises when the train proceeds to stop.

It stays completely still for at least 15 minutes. We book it to the engineering building after the bus finally gets to the stop and come in late. The prof glares at us, and we decide to sit down and wait until the end of class to approach him about our homework. As we�re walking up, one of the guys that was with me says, �We have an excuse.�

�Sorry, no excuses.�

We explain that we�d been caught by the train, and it had been completely out of our hands. His problem wasn�t in believing us [he said he did], but instead that he does not allow for any late homework. His solution to our problem was to anticipate this situation and turn in our homework early.

So, because there might be some kind of circumstances beyond our control, we get one less day to do our homework. I told him that was asinine, but then he suggested that we should have gotten off the bus and climbed over the hitch between the cars.

Yes, I�m going to risk my life to get to class on time.

It was completely ridiculous. I can�t even repeat his logic without getting pissed off. He even compared it to the situation where a student oversleeps. I pointed out that the student had been irresponsible in that situation, and we hadn�t, but there was no arguing with him.

He gave us all 0�s on the assignment. I�m completely floored by this. There�s nothing like a goddamn graduate student on a fuckin power trip to ruin your grade.

I�d love to take this up with the dean, but I�m not sure I�d get very far.

After that, I made it to class number two, religion, but the prof talked and talked and talked, right over the time limit. I booked it out of there, but made it to the bus stop just in time to see the bus driving away. Today, for some fuckin odd reason, CATA decided to leave the stop early, so I had to walk home.

So, on my shit list today is: My prof, CATA, and the train company. If ANYONE knows how to get ahold of the train company or someone that can give them a fuckin citation for that let me know, cuz I�ve heard that the longest a train can block traffic is 7 minutes.


Both the cable and the cable modem just went out. It took me at least 15 minutes to get back online!

FUCK TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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