Wednesday, Jul. 31, 2002 10:12 a.m.

Is it Friday yet?

I�m not going to regale you on more tales of the evil boss for the past couple days. It�s been the same old stuff where he�s mean and nasty and I�well�.

It would be the equivalent of Secret physically holding Prominence back from screaming, kicking, biting, whatever is necessary so that I just don�t have to hear his voice.

Anyway, the mantra of the week is, �he�s leaving on Friday�. AC, AD, and I have been chanting it over an over again as if we were practicing pagans hoping that the faster we say it, the faster it would come true.

Alas, I have not mastered the time-space continuum and accordingly, it is still only Wednesday.

Oh hell, it�s really only Wednesday?

See, I�m not supposed to be this dead tired by Wednesday. Usually, the double snooze bar effect doesn�t happen until Thursday or Friday. However, it must be �Do Not Let J Sleep Week� and I just didn�t know about it. Bandit decides now that every time someone gets up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, that it must be 5:30 am when my mom gets up to feed him every morning. He jumps on his litter box, which is next to the door and cries like the house is on fire. So I have to wake up to bring him back to bed and tell him it�s not time to eat yet. His response: attack my toes.

Then of course, there are the myriads of phone calls my parents keep getting because my stepfather�s mother is really sick and is ultimately dying. I don�t have a phone (that�s attached to that line) in my room or anywhere near my room for that reason. I refuse to answer my mother�s phone. It�s never for me anyway. Anyway, the ringing isn�t the whole problem. The main problem is that my inconsiderate stepfather, instead of getting on his own two feet and walking the phone 100 ft over to my mother, will instead scream down the hallway, �B!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU? THERE�S SOMEONE ON THE PHONE!�

My response: open the door and sleepily yell, �You know, there are people still sleeping here!�

His response: grumble, mumble, and bitch.

How would he like it if I pulled that kind of crap at ten or eleven when they decide to go to bed every night?

My parents have this ebay addiction too. So sometimes, in the morning, my mother opens the door and tells me to disconnect from the internet.

Why am I on the internet when I�m sleeping?

It�s the only damn time I can ever get on now. My stepfather checks ebay so many times a day (and night) that the only time I can essentially sign on is after ten. So you know what? I�m going to stay on�.all night if I damn well please.

Well, that, and I also download things.

My response: pull out the phone cord that connects my computer to the phone jack, and replace theirs. My mother leaves it at that because she knows that�s an issue she�s just not going to win. She also knows that if she and her husband piss me off enough, I�ll just strip the phone cord that connects their computer to the internet and play dumb.

And finally, there�s my cell phone. I don�t know why, but it seems that I know a lot of people that don�t seem to realize that I have a real job even though I tell them almost every single night. Yes, I get random calls on my cell phone from various people at times ranging from midnight until 4 am. I don�t just get calls, I get text messages as well. It�s like I�m number one, most dialed when people decide to do �drunken dialing�.

Why don�t I turn my phone off?

It�s my alarm clock. My other clock is packed somewhere and our power has been going out too much to trust that clock in my room.

So as much as I like the Pink Panther tune, I don�t need it serenading me in my sleep.

(Text message alarm)

P, the Conqueror: Sup, I�m bored.

Me: That�s nice. I�m sleeping.

P: Why? It�s only like 1 am.

I�ve learned my lesson. It�s not a good idea to respond the way that I want to, �Yeah, it�s 1 am. I have a real job. You know? J-O-B? Something you�re supposed to do after you graduate from college instead of partying all the time and racking up speeding tickets.�

Instead, I just ignore him. He usually goes away.

In all fairness, though, he does run his own business with a partner, but he does get to set his own hours. Me, on the other hand? I sold my soul to the devil and he wants me here by 8:00 am. I�m only slightly jealous/bitter. I know.

So, apparently, someone set all of these little annoying things to go off this week when I have a billion and a half things to do at work.

Am I a bit cranky? I think so.

B, the Boss, came over to critique my report (the report on the windshield wiper thing). He said that I didn�t put enough pictures in to explain what I said in my conclusions. Ok, that�s ok, I can fix it. He drew out what he wanted me to do and came over to explain it to me.

This is where French would be better. Yet, he insists on speaking in English. I basically, have no idea what he said to me, but I think I made a close enough educated guess to get by. As I was turning around to get him a pen he says, �You and AC never put in enough graphs or pictures. Did they not teach you that in that high priced college you go to?�

Excuse me?

Again, picture Secret holding Prominence back.

Yes, they taught us how we should write reports, but of course, they were expecting that the people we were giving the reports to would know how to speak English.

Anyway, after about fifteen minutes of explaining it to me, I was thinking, �Hmmm�that�s interesting�if he went through my report and thought about it enough to explain to me that he wants this additional picture, how it should look, and what each part of it meant, doesn�t that mean he understood what I wrote?�

�Hmm�that�s interesting�� I started to say, realizing that Secret had accidentally let Prominence go for a moment.

�Er um�I mean�sure.�

Yeah, good job.

Well, last night, I went out with R, the Life Floater. We�re both having some complicated personal issues right now and I said, �Well cheesecake fixes everything!�

He agreed to come because he�d had such a horrible day.

Here�s a quick summary:

He met girl. He became friends with girl. He started to really like girl. He and girl hung out more. He and girl got innocently involved. He was happy with girl. A couple days later, girl says, �I don�t wanna screw up our friendship.� He backed off, but secretly yearned for girl. He couldn�t take it anymore. He wrote girl emails asking what their status was and explaining his feelings. Girl never responded but hung out with him on a less frequent basis. He wrote an actual letter to girl. Girl didn�t respond but still hung out with him. He gets shocking message from girl, �I met someone!� He congratulates girl. Girl never explains to him what happened and ignores his feelings.

Yeah, supreme bitch. I know that she wasn�t just oblivious to what he felt and thought. I know that much. Instead of dealing with the issue of telling him why she couldn�t be with him, she ignored it. That�s not fair and she gives all girls a bad name. If she ever read this, I have one thing to say:

Beware of the vendetta.

Am I the cutest wannabe mafia gangsterette or what?

I think so.

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