Thursday, Oct. 02, 2003 12:32 p.m.

I was sitting in this meeting today, and one of the topics that came up was discussing how to set proper goals and get what you want. This, of course, got me thinking [as I�m always thinking] about what I really want lately.

1) I want a billion dollars.

The probability of this happening using the steps outlined in this meeting is next to nothing. There is nothing even remotely realistic about this other than it would allow me to get out of debt, buy whatever I wanted, and generally just spend spend spend.

2) I want to be out of debt.

Blissfully in progress.

3) I want to move out, dammit.

This is in the process of happening. I just need a bit more time to find a place, pay off some more debt, assemble some furniture, and get over my laziness.

4) I want my headaches to go away.

I really hope that these are caused by my vision problems because that means that I�ll be headache free in a matter of five hours.

5) I want to be in �movie star� shape.

This may prove to be another one of those unrealistic goals, but it sure is fun pretending that I�m in the movie Mortal Kombat when I fight at the gym.

6) I want my Masters in Engineering.

I�m going to defer this one until next summer when I think I�ll actually start it.

7) I want to leave the country, if only for a week or two to visit.

I�m going to have to defer this one until after number 2 is marked off. LOL.

8) That whole marriage + kids thing

That�s in here, but I�m not going to comment on it.

9) I want to slow dance, barefoot, in a pretty dress.

I know that this one came out of left field, but I�m distracted by the music I�m listening to. LOL

10) I want to go back to piano lessons.

I�m going to have to defer this one until after I figure out how much of my time grad school is going to take.

11) I want to own Coach.

Not gonna happen. =

I suppose I�ll have to save the rest for another day. Lunchtime is over.

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