Saturday, Jun. 07, 2003 11:47 p.m.

I think that I�m going to go directly to graduate school.

At least, in January, after I finish paying off my debt.

I realized after this week, my first week of working, that time is precious, and as of this past Monday, I have very little of it. I have watched about two hours of TV in the past six days. I have eaten far less than I usually do. Strangely enough, I have accomplished more.

It seems that if my mind (and body) is constantly in �work� mode, I spend less time doing idle things such as watching all the Law and Order reruns on TV. In fact, I try and avoid watching TV because then I end up doing nothing at all. I�ve gone to the gym more, felt better, kept my meals more on schedule, and I�ve run more errands in the past week than I have all month.

It�s amazing what will happen to a person when she gets a little direction in life.

I decided to go to grad school after talking to one of my new coworkers. She recently graduated (in December) and has just started classes for her Master�s in engineering. I was always afraid that it would take up too much time, be too expensive, or be too hard. She explained away my worries one by one and pretty much inspired me to look into it.

I�m not sure which school I�m going to try to get into, but I�m hoping to focus my energies on my specialty of antennas and electromagnetics. I�m not entirely sure how to find out which school offers these programs, but I definitely have time to look it over.

Speaking of work��s actually pretty great. Everyone in the department is around my age or a couple of years older, and then there are all the Lead Engineers. Most of the leads are very young too, which is cool because we all get along really well. I don�t entirely know what exactly I�ll be doing just yet, but the experiences that I�ve had have been favorable.

I�d update more with all of the little (and funny) things that have happened to me in the past week or so, but I�m just too tired.


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