Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 11:32 p.m.

Well today was a dandy day.

I thought it was going to be the worst day ever, but it turned out quite nicely. I had to get up uber early (at least for me) today, meaning 7:30 to make a meeting with my ever-so-lovely 480 group to discuss our presentations. I was thinking that the meeting would only take a half hour, then I could either go to the gym or take a nap depending on how good I felt.

It took closer to an hour, and, AND, I had to make changes to the presentation on the fly before heading over to Kinko�s to have the transparencies made.

That meant that I had no time for the gym or my nap.

Anyway, I made the changes, headed over to Kinko�s, in which I paid something like $15 for the entire presentation to be printed on the laser and for transparencies. It turned out that the transparencies were less than a $1 a piece, but that instead the laser printer was something like 50 cents a sheet.

What the hell?

I assume that I can expense it from our budget�otherwise those other group members are forking over $3 each.

Well, I took a shower, made myself pretty and whatnot so that I could be in prime presenting style, ate some lunch, and went to the bus stop.

The bus was late.

Of all the days for the bus to be late, it chose that one. Well, I�m just exaggerating here, considering it didn�t really matter because I was presenting close to last.

Anyway, I rocked the presentation. I kept constant eye contact with the audience, I was interesting, loud enough. I�m sure I tore up all of the evaluation sheets.

Then it was off to the electromagnetics lab to finish the lab on the third attempt.

I was only in there for fifteen minutes and BAM I was done. I told the only other group member who planned on attending that he didn�t need to cut his meeting short and that we were set. He was exstatic and promised me the homework that�s due tomorrow.

I�m on a roll.

Not to mention, I actually started that homework by myself AND I emailed this guy in New Zealand about help with my next mini-project for 480.


The only weird thing today was when I went to the gym. I�ve been feeling all shaky and weird all day, probably from the double espresso this morning. I didn�t have as much energy as I usually do to stay on the elliptical machine for the full 35 minutes. My eyes also kept involuntarily closing.

When my body was functioning normally, I did manage to read this old Self magazine that mentioned this therapy group for some priviledged Manhattan schoolchildren. It was to help them appreciate their bodies more. They were thirteen!. And that�s not even the weird part. In the article, this girl mentions something to the effect of, �In second grade you see this thin woman and you think she�s pretty, by fourth grade the media hits you and you see this thin woman and wonder why you�re not thin too.�

Fourth graders?!

I swear that when I was growing up, life wasn�t this hard. I�m afraid to have children now, not because I don�t think I�ll make a good mother, but because of everything they�re going to have to go through to grow up. I swear that I never had those kinds of issues.

That�s so terrible.

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