Saturday, Jul. 13, 2002 2:34 p.m.

Ahh�the joys of the Heights.

Work has begun to exponentially suck even more than I thought that it possibly could. My boss gave me a new task. He wanted to find out if the windshield wipers of the Expedition would interfere in the video feed depending on the frame rate of the camera. He basically wanted to know how fast the wipers were going by finding the rotational speed at the axis of rotation. The axis of rotation on a windshield wiper is where the wiper connects to the base of the windshield. He had me hook up two potentiometers, which are essentially resistors that vary in their resistance as they are rotated, to the axis of rotation. The test involves putting a DC voltage across the potentiometers as they rotate with the wipers, which would produce a wave on a scope. With the wave, you can figure out the rotational speed.

Well, I understand the concept of this completely, however, since he never lets me work in the lab, I don�t have any experience with wiring. I politely asked the lab employees to help me, which they did to the best of their abilities. Well, as we�re getting ready to hook up the data card to the potentiometers, my boss comes downstairs. At this moment, the lab manager tells me that I have to fill out a test sheet because the paperwork is essential to the billing. Well, I�m staring at this test sheet, trying to take it all in when my boss, very irritably says, �What�s the problem?�

�I�ve never seen this before, so I don�t know how to fill it out.�

�Don�t you ever know how to do anything?�

Well, he crossed the line (in my mind), how am I supposed to know how to fill something out if no one ever teaches me? The lab manager asked me if I knew how to wire the oscilloscope and I replied honestly that I did not completely know how. Then my boss snapped, �Don�t help her, if she�s too stupid to do it herself, then we�ll find her something else to do.�


What an asshole, seriously. I�m an intern; I�m supposed to be learning. Unless I was a prodigy, there�s no way that I can figure things out without someone teaching me first. That�s essentially the basis of learning: being taught and practicing.

I almost quit that moment, and if he had spoken to me again for the rest of the day I would have.

I want him fired for his misconduct�NOW.

When I came home, I had found that my mother had taken my stepfather out to dinner, but not waited for me. I don�t know why it�s gotten me so mad lately, but he�s really pissing me off, and it seems that my mom is choosing him over me. I swear to fuckin god, he does nothing all day. When I was off of work from my car accident, all he did from the time he got back from his walk at 8 in the morning until my mother got home was sit on the couch and watch TV. I don�t care if he�s bringing in money; it�s ludicrous. He doesn�t clean, he doesn�t cook, he doesn�t grocery shop, but he gets a nice dinner and I don�t. Every week I go grocery shopping with my mother. Every week I help her clean. Every day I work at a job I hate but still have conversation with her and pick up after myself. He does none of that, but he gets a nice dinner and I have to use my money to buy myself something.


I called up JG to see if he was off of work. Last week, he had called to see if I wanted to do something, but because of that procedure I had done, all I did was sleep all weekend. He was actually just getting off of work when I called. I told him that we should get something to eat and he said that he�d call me back when he had gotten home and changed.

I went to Marshall Field�s to pay my bill and we met at TGI Friday�s. I got myself a Bloody Mary and instantly started to feel the tenseness in my back releasing itself. We talked while I had a small meal and he sipped on the World�s Smallest Milkshake. It�s funny how similar our lives are in this hellhole of a city.

We both hate our bosses.

We both have very little to do at work.

We both have to deal with people at home who do absolutely nothing.

We both can�t wait to get back to our �real� homes in East Lansing.

After the meal, we decided to run over to the local movie theater and see if anything good was playing. We drove up and I felt as if I was entering one of my own personal hells. There were little teenagers everywhere. The scariest part is that there were about a hundred of them standing outside in front of the theater all wearing the exact same thing.

I don�t remember being like that when I was 15 or 16, and quite frankly, I�m kinda sickened by their behavior. I don�t mean to be so snobby, but put some goddamn clothes on. You�re going to the movies, not to a club. This is one of the exact reasons that there are 15 year old mothers and essentially all teenagers in high school are disrespectful. There�s no reason that you have to be all high fashion at the Heights� only movie theater. Who are you trying to impress? What are you trying to prove? It�s almost kinda sad that none of those kids I saw there had their own style or personality. They need to open their eyes and realize there is a whole, big world out there that could really give a shit if you�re jeans are sandblasted.

When we got up to the ticket counter, we realized that we�d both basically seen everything that was good out�.well�except The Road to Perdition. It, however, wasn�t playing for another hour and a half and I knew that I wouldn�t be able to stay awake. So, we just decided to talk for awhile and call it a night.

I�m sorry that it wasn�t more exciting, but after all, this is the Heights.

I went to the dentist this morning�.heh�

Apparently the last time that I was there was August 12, 2000. It�s almost kinda sick when I really think about it; I hadn�t been to the dentist in almost two years. Surprisingly, the hygienist told me that my teeth were in good condition and yet again, I didn�t have any cavities.

Alright, kids, it�s time for me to clean up my room and figure out if I�m gonna do anything tonight.

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