Wednesday, Mar. 06, 2002 11:44 a.m.

Well here is my day three midday report:

BTW, I�m sure there will be another one before the day is over, considering absolutely nothing is happening here and most people I know aren�t even awake by now.

I�m jealous.

I�ve been up since 6 something am with my dad periodically coming in my room to bother me in my last hour of sleep.

Sleep is precious to one who seems to get so little.

Yes, that�s right, I�ve gotten the amount of sleep equivalent to less than half of what I�ve been working. I devote approximently 10 hours of my day to work including the commute, getting ready, and lunch. However, I�ve gotten little more than four hours a night of sleep. I wonder what the longstanding effects of lack of sleep are; I seemed fine this summer when I went through the same thing.

I wonder if I�ll start to become psychotic.

I don�t think that I�m naturally supposed to work before 10 am. There�s something really wrong to me about having to get up at an hour such as 6. Plus, I�ve always hated the thought of going to sleep before midnight and this past week has proved harsh in trying to force myself to close my eyes instead of watching the discovery channel or another Law and Order rerun.

What in the hell is wrong with me?

Of course, I just realized that I have about a year left to stay up as late as I�m used to and enjoy it. Yikes! I only have a year left of using the excuse, �I�m a poor college student.� I don�t even remember the past three years flying by the way that they have.

I actually feel like I know less than when I first started college.

Anywho, I�ve been waiting around for one of my bosses to drop in and show me how some tests work so that I can actually do something productive with this week. It appears, however, that he decided to take today off so after lunch, I�m going to brave the lab by myself and hope that one of the technicians can tell me what I�m doing.

If not, I can always run over to the local Best Buy and pick up Sim City and play that for the rest of the day instead.

Why the hell didn�t I think of that before?

I have Kylie Minogue�s �Can�t get you out of my head� stuck, coincidentally, in my head and it�s actually making me more sleepy. Too bad I can�t just put on my headphones and listen to music for awhile, but I�m almost positive that will result in my head being down on my desk.

Ooh boy, I have a funfilled afternoon ahead of me.

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