Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2002 1:03 a.m.

The longer I go on in such a close knitted environment, the less tolerant I actually become. It�s interesting how completely incompatible I am with a large majority of the archetypical population. For example there is a slew of morons down the hall that I�m particularly not fond of.

They�ve never done anything to me and never directly insulted me (as far as I have paid attention). However, they feel the need to get involved in everyone�s business as if it were their civil duty to delve into the daily dose of drama that occurs on this floor. I honestly don�t believe that their intentions are to help; I believe they get involved because their lives are that small.

Ahh�I remember what that feels like.

However, their more immediate cause for bothering me is that how they seem to need attention. I live close to the door whereas they live toward the end of the hall. Every single time�

And I mean every single time�

�.they walk by, they feel the uncharitable need to make sure their presence is known to all of us who live on this side of the hallway. It�s not just a fluke; it�s not that they happen to be loud talkers because the minute they pass my suitemate�s room, they immediately quiet down. I know that I�ve become rickety in my old age, but I can hear them shouting some random obscenity through my shut door every time they return from the IM, dinner, or some other random deviant behavior.

They remind me vaguely of those people in high school�you know **those** people. They remind me of the people in high school that you looked at and knew, just knew, that high school was the end all, be all of their life. You know? The people where high school was their last chance to feel important and reign over their fellow adolescent�miraculously, these guys made it to college and instead of making classes the center of their universe they made being popular of the utmost importance.

I�m not jealous�I just have priorities and I don�t like living near stupid people. I honestly don�t believe that the general population is stupid�just misguided. These young men, I really, truly believe are stupid.

I also cannot get along with people who even though know that you are right, purposely take the opposing view because they think debating is �fun.� I don�t mind the occasional debate as long as both parties are willing to admit when they are wrong and both parties are willing to be logical. I run into a lot of people every day who have very opposing views and I manage to live harmoniously with them. However, as a science-based person, I have a hard time following artsy-neo-philosophical views on life. You know, �why are things the way that they are?� I don�t mind people who question what reality really is, but I have problems when people don�t use fact-based logic in their questions, especially when they are using the same arguments that everyone else has been using for a decade.

If you would like to see a very opposing view on what I�m saying, please email me.

In response of what he says about me:

~�had the general impression that my friend believes the bible to be factual.�~

I�ve never actually read the bible, sorry.

~�They consider it to be factual because they are written accounts of individuals who witnessed miraculous events.�~

If you want further discussion on this topic please read the book �The Case for Christ.� The author goes through some pretty logical reasoning for proofs of the gospels� authenticity.

~�So, when judgement day comes, does that mean that individuals of other religions will be going to hell? All of them?" The answer I received, "I am not going to be PC. I am Christian, so yeah everybody else will be going to hell."�~

I never said that; please don�t quote something that isn�t accurate. I said that based on what I�ve read in order to receive salvation, one has to accept Jesus as your savior and believe that he died so that we would have eternal life in heaven. Obviously other religions do not believe that, but the events of the Christian rapture do actually give others seven years to make up their mind. When Jesus takes his followers up to heaven, the rest of the world is given seven years of trials and tribulation to see God prove his existence and see the rise of the antichrist. During these seven years, everyone has a second chance basically.

�The Crusades were instigated in the name of religion.�

Oh, this same tired old argument. I hate it. War is started by man, not God. The Crusades may have occurred in the name of religion but how many other religions have been fighting over this �holy land� in the name of politics and religion. Come up with a new argument please, this one is too tired.

~�In a way, I pictured them with their hands over their ears, chanting "Nah nah nah nah nah" at the top of their lungs�~

That�s not fair. Unlike some people, apparently, I do consider class more important than a useless debate.

As for that caveman whatever, I really didn�t feel like reading through all of that. Sorry. I guess I�ll just have to concede that point.

Well, what do you know? I have homework (what a shock) so I have more important things to do than to dwell on this. Please feel free to add to my guestbook if you agree or disagree with me. Cheerio!

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