Thursday, Jul. 11, 2002 11:01 p.m.

If you haven�t already, please check out my previous entry from today.

Ok kids.

I finished The Bourne Supremacy tonight. Again�.wow�.I love this trilogy so far. I realize that it took me quite a bit longer than the first to finish, and this had nothing at all to do with the book�s quality but more to do with my busy schedule now.

On to other things�

I decided to write a �story� of my life as an intern, kinda. I�m not all that happy with what I�ve written so far. Mostly, I�m just playing with it right now. Hopefully it will turn into something a bit better. Realize this, I do refer to a couple people from work in my daily diary entries. The names that I use in this �story� are not their actual names for their own privacy reasons. Also, some things may be exaggerated or all out not true due to comedic reasons. Now, I realize that the following snippet is not all that funny, but cut me some slack folks.

Oh, yeah, I�d also like to know if I should continue posting pieces of this story on here for you all to read or if I should keep it to myself and stick to my daily entries. Please post a comment or sign my guest book

The sun shone brilliantly contrasting with the sharp blue of the cloudless sky. It was not too hot, but not cold by any means. Birds chirped cheerily as a squirrel scampered on the lawn in search of some form of sustenance. The house was adorned with leafy green mini-trees and an immaculate emerald green lawn. A man left the house following the routine of his daily walk, a proponent of the peaceful surroundings.

However, inside the house, the peace was about to shatter.


�Oh hell,� sleepy green eyes opened briefly to hit the snooze button. She enjoyed the silence only for another six minutes and the blaring beeping recommenced. On any given day, one couldn�t be sure how many times the processes repeated, but today it was only twice.

The morning ritual had begun.

She had her options, but they were usually determined by the night before. If it was Tuesday or Thursday, the first leg of the routine was the shower. If it were Monday or Wednesday, the shower had been taken care of the previous night. This allowed for two or three more rounds with the annoying beeping device.

Today was Thursday.

After an approximant seven-minute shower which consisted of washing the body, hair, and face, the hair was wrapped in a towel and the teeth were brushed. Sometimes, if she was fast enough, she allowed herself a quick fifteen-minute rest back in the nice warm bed. This often led to her chronic lateness, but, alas, this was the life of an intern.

After the brief nap, it was time to prepare the lunch. Two pieces of dry, white bread surround three slices of medium sliced turkey breast, approximately half a slice was divided up between two of the cats. After the sandwich was satisfactorily sealed in the customary Ziploc sandwich bag, it was left on the counter.

Next was the customary unwrapping, brushing, and quick blow-drying of the hair followed very quickly by grabbing a set of new clothes. After packing up the briefcase and grabbing the sandwich, banana, fruit cup, nectarine, and yogurt, the morning ritual was over.

The drive was the next leg of the daily routine.

It was second nature to her by now to drive down the same roads at the same speeds, hitting the same stoplights, and passing the same construction areas. Sometimes she could recognize the cars around her as part of the morning commute. It was always basically the same though: the same bored look on her face, the same feeling of dread, the same morning DJ�s.

She pulled into the last parking space in her row and looked at the mile of cars that lie between her and the door. She toyed between the idea of hurrying so that she was less late or walking as slowly as possible to savor her few moments of sunlight. She walked at her usual brisk pace, past the same cars that she saw every day. As she walked toward the entrance she mouthed a silent goodbye to the serenity of the outside world. The beautiful cloudless sky was practically singing with joy. Her building, however, had some sort of dark cloud brewing over it. She walked through the garage door and waved at the Barry, the shipping guy. He spoke with his customary loud and incomprehensible chatter. She smiled her customary smile and charged past him up the metal stairs and toward the door; the door that lead to her own personal hell.

She checked through the window and saw Gabrielle, one of her �partners in crime� fervently staring at her computer. She could not see if Jack or Alex were there. She signed at walked through the door. She put her briefcase at the same place at her desk and said hello to Gabrielle. She knew that she had approximately one hour to screw off before Bob, the Boss showed up.

She checked her email, checked her diary site for updates from other people. Finally she checked the news headlines before she picked up her well-worn coffee mug and went back down the metal staircase, toward the lunchroom. She pondered how she would spend another day of doing nothing and somehow still look busy as the black liquid flowed into her mug. It was always the same: the same people chatting at the same time everyday in the same place in the lunchroom.

The experience paralleled a vision of hell in which one would have to relive the same day over and over again in the worst possible situation. This was her own personal hell.

~~To be continued�.sometime�.~~

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