Monday, Feb. 24, 2003 12:13 p.m.

Do I go to class or do I not go to class?

This is often a question that goes through my head on Mondays. I mean, I only have the one class, and [so far] it�s a relatively easy class. I don�t see why I would be so lazy though. Besides, it�s only noon. I have plenty of time to think about it.

Today, I am supposed to go to the gym, go to the bank, go to the bookstore, and finish my laundry. Oh yeah, I suppose I should work some more on that homework that is due on Thursday. We don�t want any more train mishaps that will result in another zero in the class.

I swear that prof is just itching to give me a bad grade, since for some unknown reason, I seem to piss him off. When I met with him during office hours last week, he seemed in an alright mood, but he was pressing me about what I was going to do for an honors option.

I don�t even know if I want to do an honors option for him. I have my choice between him and religion class, and in religion, I only have to write a simple paper. My ECE prof expects me to rewrite the labs for his class in the fall.

I don�t remember seeing �Prof�s bitch� on my forehead.

He kept pressing me to decide and right now, all I can think about is Spring Break. I�m trying to think of ideas to entertain ourselves on the trip down. So far, it�s been suggested that we bring comedians� CD�s, buy a portable DVD player [and then return it after the trip], trivia games�

I like the idea of trivia games, but the only trivia game I have is Trivial Pursuit, and I dunno if people wanna answer those questions during an 18 hour drive. I don�t know, I guess I�ll have to ask AC.

There�s so many things that I have to pack. I mean, I can�t even fathom the number of outfits I need to bring, let alone the shoes to go with them. Then, because we�re directly on the Gulf, I have to bring cooler weather clothes and bug stuff and everything. I hope the guys won�t laugh at me.

Ohhhh my stomach hurts. I feel like I ate too much, but in actuality, I really didn�t. I�ve only consumed about 300 calories so far and technically, I�ve only been awake for an hour and a half. If only I could wish upon a star and lose another fifteen pounds before we left. But then, of course, none of my clothes would fit and I�d have to spend more money.

What have I got? Less than 10 weeks before graduation? If I lost 2 lbs a week, I could meet that goal. I don�t know how plausible that is, considering I eat like a fiend.

I don�t really feel like running errands today. I hate paying for parking. Its ridiculous that everywhere you go, you have to pay for parking. I�m NOT TRYING TO SCAM THE CITY! I just need to do some damn banking.

Oh great, I just remembered that I have to pay rent before I go. Well, at least that�s going to be my last month of paying rent.

Now, what can we cook on vacation that is cheap and relatively low fat?

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