Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003 4:53 p.m.

My arms are so weak.

I just did my arm workout with my 5 lb. free weights and they�re sore. I can do about 5 girly pushups and that�s it. It�s pathetic, I know.

My legs, on the other hand, are the extreme opposite.

Speaking of which, I have spinning tonight.

I had my interview with the Southfield office of the company which I have done my internship with. The Southfield office is a recent acquirement from Visteon, so the people in that office don�t actually know me. Hence, the reason for the interview. I could have just gone back to the research and development office in Auburn Hills, but there was absolutely no way I would even work in the proximity of my old boss.

Not a chance.

Anyway, the interviewers [I had four actual interviews instead of just one] had all met me from the presentation I gave at the end of the summer. They were all perfectly nice guys, very very encouraging. I wasn�t nervous in the least. Well, I never really ever get nervous.

Anyway, the hitch came in when the hiring manager told me that at the current time, they are not hiring. It appears that the company is at budget.

Ain�t that gravy?

He told me not to despair though, that there was a major contract coming their way and if they got it, they would need a lot of people. So, for the next month, I�m going to be praying that Chrysler needs more safety equipment.

The interview made me realize how shaky the economy really is. I mean, I knew that it was bad before. I know people who have graduated in last may [with the exception of my crazy ex P] who still don�t have jobs and have been seriously looking. Some of my antenna group friends aren�t even able to get temp jobs with Kelly.

It is scary out there. I always kinda figured that I�d be able to fall back on my internship. After all, I�d spent three years with them. I have more seniority than most of the engineers employed there. I never even thought about the money. It never seemed to pop up into my mind.

Don�t you hate when you take things for granted?

Obviously, if they can�t hire me, it�s not my fault nor is there anything I can do about it. Eventually, I�ll find a job; that�s not what worries me. What worries me is that flailing company known as K-mart and the mound of crap they keep putting themselves into.

You don�t get it yet?

My mother works for K-mart�s headquarters. She�s been an employee there for at least five years. She must be an excellent employee, because they�ve kept her through all the cuts, but what if K-mart doesn�t make the last stand? She says that she�s not worried about it, but I know that she is. Her friends that have been laid off since August still don�t have jobs, and like I said before, the economy is crap [thanks a lot G.W.]. Now, my stepfather has already retired. My mom might be without a job. And I might not get one before I graduate.

That doesn�t look like a very promising situation.

On another note, I�d at least get the time off that I�ve wanted so badly, but I think at this point, I�d prefer just to work. It�s not like I can ask mommy and daddy to pay my bills after I�ve graduated from college [unlike my lazy ass ex].

I should start eating dinner early enough so it won�t interfere with spinning. See ya.

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