Sunday, Sept. 22, 2002 5:27 p.m.

Ah�I hate when I slack on the weekends�it always turns these entries into four or five pagers.

Anyway, since I believe I left off on Wednesday or something, let�s move on to Thursday. I spent a majority of the week doing labs and working on the preproposal for my capstone class. Then Thursday arrived, and I realized that I was about done for the week, so RP, the Roommate, and I decided to check out the nearby gym that we had been eyeing.

Apparently, they never ask for ID and there�s no picture taken when you join, so then RP and I could �split� the membership. We went over there and used two free guess passes and I looked around, unsure of what to do.

Do I do weights first to warm up? Do I do cardio first to get my blood going? What is the best possible way to get that Hollywood body I�ve been dreaming about?

Well, RP and I decided to go with the elliptical machines first. I realized that it was the same kind of machine that the IM had added to their fleet of ellipticals so I switched back to my old routine and got started.

Man, I didn�t realize that considering how out of shape I am, I have a lot of stamina. I �ran� and �ran� and �ran� for what seemed like forever, but actually resulted to 30 minutes, about 3 miles, and almost 400 calories burned. The best part was that I wasn�t even exhausted the way that the stair machines or treadmills exhaust me. Instead of continuing cardio, I decided to move on to the weights.

I managed to track down the owner, this huge guy with a white Gold�s Gym t-shirt on, who wasn�t too happy about me tearing him away from hitting on the various regular women who were very obviously in superb shape. He finally realized that I wasn�t a member, but instead a potential buck that he should be paying attention to, and decided to point me in the correct direction of the ab machines I was seeking. Being the good owner/manager that he should be, he also showed me how they worked and wished me well.

So I worked my abs to their fullness and then moved on to legs while I discussed joining with RP. She seemed hesitant, and I guess I saw it coming. She works about 30 something hours a week and spends her free time with her boyfriend, so I wasn�t imagining that she would have all this time to work out like I did. Hence, I assumed she wouldn�t want to pay half a membership for something she wouldn�t be using half the time.

Since my father, who suddenly repented his awful behavior this summer, decided to send me a nice check, I said, �What the hell?� and signed up even though I�m almost positive that I don�t have the money for it.

But, I seriously do need to get in shape so I�m not so tired and sluggish anymore. I�m also worried about the trend that happens in my family. See, I don�t consider myself thin, but I�m by no means fat. I am haplessly average, at least in the weight department, and I know it. My mother was very thin through college and then started to gain weight when she left college, as did her sister. I do NOT want to fall into that trap. I actually want to lose weight before I leave here and continue until I�m satisfied.

Not to mention, if you haven�t noticed (and you do go here) everyone is thin. I�m serious. I don�t care if college students drink more than the gross national product per year, there are thin people everywhere! College towns must defy that whole idea that the country is getting heavier because in all honesty, the girls around here are about the size of movie stars. Of course, when I go home, it�s not the same and I feel thin amongst the myriads of overweight people. This is not some kind of attack on heavy people because I know that I�m no Jennifer Aniston. But when I go home, I realize that weight is a serious problem. How many diseases are caused or helped along by being overweight?

Well, I�m not falling into that trap.

So after I�d rationalized it to myself, I signed up for a membership and I�ve gone every day (with the exception of Saturday). If RP changes her mind and says that she wants to split, that�ll be cool, but I�ll be able to handle it if not.

When we came back, I vegged on the couch for a few, trying to cool myself off while RP took a bath. Then I took a bath. It was just one giant bathing fest.

RP cooked us dinner, and then we sat around for awhile, trying to decide if we should go out or not. We were going to wait for her boyfriend, until she realized that he had to work early the next day. Then we established that we�d go to this classy, relatively quieter bar in downtown E.L. I started to get ready and was almost set to go out the door when her phone rang. I guess that her boyfriend decided that he did wanna go and so we ventured over to his house to pick him up.

I chit chatted with his roommates while one of them fixed me a drink that tasted like a sweet ass smoothie, but it was alcoholic. It was pretty good. RP�s boyfriend finished his meal and we set off to go, but when we parked, I dunno how, but the plans changed and we were no longer going to the classy bar. I followed them while tiny rain drops fell on me and then they turned to me and said, �Well, where do you wanna go?�

I wasn�t gonna ask about the bar we originally planned on going to because I assumed that they knew something that I didn�t.

�Well, I�ve only ever been to Crunch�s and BW3�s, so I have no idea what�s good.�

We walked some more and saw that Rick�s didn�t have a line and by default, we went there.

I have a very bad impression of Rick�s now.

First, there was a $4 cover, probably due to the fact that the band 19 Wheels was playing. I guess I should be ashamed to say this, but I�ve never heard of them, and I�m really not a fan of live music when I�m trying to socialize. To me, going out to a bar, is not about listening to a band, especially when it�s already hard as hell to hear people. I like to talk, plain and simple.

Second, the Long Island the bartender fixed me was watery as hell. It seriously was one of the worst drinks I�ve ever tasted and his service was really lacking. I�m sorry I�m not blonde, big chested, and throwing myself at you, but it�d be nice to get my drink in a timely fashion.

Third, something about the openness of the place really bothered me. It seemed like a dark room with tables, lotsa smoke, two slow bartenders, and that�s it. There was no real�ambience I guess is the best word for it.

Then, of course there was my situation: the third wheel. I know it�s not their fault, but sometimes going out with just RP and her boyfriend really sucks. I�m not jealous, it�s just�.they have their own little conversations and I dunno if they realize it, but I�m not really included all that often. It�s not like they ignore me when I give them puzzling looks about what they�re talking about or when I interject some kind of conversation, it�s just�..uncomfortable to have to try so hard to know what�s going on.

Needless to say, I was kinda bored, coughing up a lung, and my �energy high� was gone. We left shortly, I got some food, and then we dropped off her boyfriend and went home.

Essentially, I went to bed. There�s obviously more to the story, but due to a lack of creative energy in trying to make up a name for someone, I�m just not gonna go into it.

Friday, I actually went to class. Genetics is a really interesting subject to me, I just hate that it�s in the morning when I�ve usually gone to the bar the night before. I learned quite a bit about interesting things and some scary things. I�m going to have to get myself genetically tested when I can afford it, because there are some hidden killers that I wanna know about in the general population.

Since it was raining and my bike was soaked, I didn�t go to Antennas. My bad.

Instead, I took a nap and then went to the gym. After that, I did basically nothing. Unbeknownst to me, this was a weekend in which half the campus went home. Coupled with the rain, I had a real lack of options concerning going out. Since I was toying with the idea of going home the next day, I watched some TV, read my book, and went to bed.

The plan was to get up at 8, go to the gym, and go home.

I got up at 10:30, and I knew that I had virtually no time to waste because I had planned on coming home the same night. I skipped the gym and packed up my laundry.

You know, for one of the few times since my accident, I really enjoyed driving home. It was sunny, breezy, and the music was good.

I arrived home, much to the surprise of my mother, and immediately started my laundry. I wasn�t going to dilly dally and not do it. It was nice to see my mom and my stepfather, as well as poor little Trouble with his tube and little t-shirt. He seriously does look skinny, considering he lost 3 lbs off of his 18 lb frame. The vet told us that we should expect some �dramatic� results in the next week because his bloodwork came back good.

I also found out how much my mom has spent on �saving� him. If he pulls through it all, it�s costed over $1300 at this point. I know that some of you are dropping your mouths in shock about this, but you need to have a cat like Trouble before you can scoff. He�s not just a pet; he�s a good friend, and part of the family. Of course, we�d probably do this for Cleo too, considering she�s just as much part of the family.

I can�t stand the thought of Trouble not pulling through. I guess I don�t really have to worry about it right now though, because he�s started eating more and more and becoming as active as he once was, much to Cleo�s dismay.

I�m not gonna cry right now.

Moving on, my mom invited me to see the movie One Hour Photo with her and my stepfather. According to RP, Wal-Mart has �no official position� on the movie because the photo lab in the movie resembles their photo labs uncannily.


Well, I dunno what�s up with Robin Williams lately, but he�s taken some seriously fucked up roles. It was an independent film, I think, because it seemed really low budget.

It was weird. I think I kinda liked it, but I ended up feeling so sorry for Robin�s character, which I think was the point. So, I think, the director got his point across.

It was pretty disturbing, much more so than Insomnia.

Anyway, we came home, and I took my mom to Sam�s Club to turn my temp membership into a real membership. She�d never been in Sam�s Club and was amazed at the prices. I picked up some laundry detergent, fabric softener, water, kitty litter, and some ice cream for her. I didn�t really have time to check out the food, but all the prices seemed really good.

When we got home from that, they took me out to dinner and then I left.

It was a nice little trip home.

The drive home wasn�t as nice as the drive there, considering it was dark and I was getting sleepy. When I got back, I found that no one had anything going on, which, of course, sucked.

I had heard from MS, the Playmate, that he was having a birthday party, so I figured I�d check it out. I asked JD, the Musician, if she wanted to go, and as usual, she couldn�t decide.

That kinda irked me. It�s not like I have the time to sit around and wait for her to decide whether or not she wants to go, and, of course, I have no obligation to either. I didn�t really want to go alone though, and I was staying my decision pending what she said. The fact that she couldn�t decide really wasn�t helping my situation at all.

Thankfully, JG, the Lost called. You know, I don�t really think he�s lost anymore. It�s strange�it�s like he�s�.�bettered himself�. I dunno, anyway, moving on. He was as anxious to do something as I was, so I got ready as quickly as I could and drove to campus. Our plan was to try MS�s party and then see what happened.

Well, MS�s party�.well I don�t wanna say it �sucked� but it just wasn�t my kind of party.

First, it was hot as hell in his apartment.

Second, Tool was playing and I don�t really find that to be �party� music.

Third, I barely knew anyone.

JG and I decided to go outside and get some air and ultimately, we decided to try another party. Unfortunately, we didn�t know of any other parties really.

So we did what every great American college student does: we walked around and asked people.

We found a group of girls and a guy going to a party on Spartan and Albert, and we joined their group. It turned out that half the girls were in high school, which sent JG�s head spinning and caused me to not stop laughing.

We got to the party and managed to get free cups and then commenced enjoying ourselves. I met a girl who was trying to win a bet, which resulted in me pretending I was only 17.

Do I really look that young?

Then a huge group of people showed up, which turned out being some kind of weird 5th floor reunion. Almost everyone that was on the floor from last year showed up at the party. All we were missing was AJ, the Former Suitemate, and my next-door neighbors and we would have had the usual social group.

It didn�t end there.

JG and I checked out the party that was across the street and I ran into some engineering fellows, someone I knew from my frosh year, the Ice Throwing Boys that live behind me, and a guy I went to junior high with.

It was one big reunion the whole night.

The cops ended up busting up the party and I was just waiting for one of them to try and card me, but none of them did. Once we finished our beers, JG and I ventured over to heaven in the form of a pizza slice, Georgio�s. I swear�.that is seriously the most fulfilling food on the planet. I�m still drooling.

Then we walked home, and I got back into my car (sober at this point) to go back to the apartment. I was completely beat.

That�s about the end of the story, kids. Nothing exciting has happened today, so until next time�

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