Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2003 10:36 p.m.

Today has certainly been strange, especially regarding the visuals I�ve been getting.

I woke up [barely] on time to catch the bus and go to class today. VHDL was another class of review about digital logic that I learned [yes, I actually learned this] about two years ago. However, I�m not sure if something strange was slipped in my coffee or if the class was just so mindnumbing that it instilled homicidal thoughts, but I seriously was fidgeting so badly that I�m not sure why he didn�t kick me out.

I understood what was going on, but it was so elementary to me that I was getting visuals of my head exploding and other disturbing blood-spattered pictures.

Before you call the police and report me as a possible mass murderer, just calm down.

My head had started to pound and I thought my eyeballs were going to fall out. I was also pretty congested, which was the only normal symptom of any [physical] illness that I had. The congestion probably caused the headache, and well, the visuals�I just don�t know.

Anyway, I used the excuse that VHDL had numbed my brain beyond the point of being able to concentrate in religion and I went home. I had to make the heart-stopping decision between eating, exercising, and sleeping. I chose the first two.

My mother alerted me that the guy that we bought my car from had given us a �rough� estimate of how much it would cost to replace my oil pan. If I get a used part, I�m looking at almost $300. I just love cars�I really do.

After another couple hours of uselessly tooling around, I took a shower and then what was supposed to be a short nap. I went to sleep at 4:00 pm and I woke up again [barely] at 7:30. Again, I had the weirdest dream and the visuals were quite amazing.

I think either I was just some kind of rogue cashier or security girl working in Target. Now, we didn�t have just a shoplifter in our mists; we had a girl killer that resembled the newest Terminator and had basically the same regard for humanity. However, I could kick ass, literally.

I was a kickboxing machine. It was everything you ever see in the movies regarding kick-ass girl fights. I was chasing her all over the store, and climbing over displays of fruit just to get her [yes, for some odd reason, this Target had a grocery store in it]. Finally, we had her in captivity, but I was afraid to leave her in the office while the police came. She kept eyeing the heating vent over our heads. I told someone to watch her, but then when I got up to the front, I realized that the only person who could keep her Terminating ass in check was me.

I went back to the office and she had that threatening look in her eye. She started to walk toward me and BAM! I just slammed a leg up in her face, knocked her down and pinned her to the floor with my legs.

I am one hell of a dream kickboxer. Man, I can�t wait for those classes to start up again.

Anyway, that was about it, since I�d slept most of the day away. I guess I�ll get back to reading ahead on my homework, heh.

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