Thursday, Sept. 05, 2002 9:30 p.m.

I am so damn proud of myself.

I finished my lab all by myself last night. I needed virtually no help from the TA AND I did all of the problem solving by myself as well.

Maybe, I am growing into this whole engineering thing rather nicely.

Anyway, my pulse width modulator that oscillates with a frequency of 700 Hz and then is later divided into a frequency of 233 Hz works like a complete dream. All I have left to do is solder it.

And I know how to solder. So I should be golden. Actually, I think that I�m going to pick up a soldering iron for my own home use. The lab is only open during the week until 10 pm and not at all on the weekends. Since there are classes three of the five days that its open and I have that whole group meeting and kickboxing thing going on, I might as well just do my soldering at home.

Is it bad that I�m excited about that?

I�m so proud of my studiousness lately. I bet it all comes screeching to a halt when we finally get cable, heh.

Well, today was rather uneventful. I went to work in the morning and did some gophering. Just as I was leaving, one of the other student workers came in for her shift.

Dear Lord, there are doppelgangers everywhere!

She was a bit shorter than I, about the same build wearing a black T-shirt, jeans, black belt, and black sandals. Oh, and of course, she has red hair that�s a few inches past the shoulders in the front and to the middle of her back in the back.

Yeah, that�s freaky.

Well, she has blue eyes, not green and she is more freckle-y, so it�s not as freaky as me and Janessa.

Anyway, I went back to my place and took care of a couple things and waited dutifully for the bus.

Cute Bus Guy wasn�t there today! I rode the bus in silence with a slight pout on my face and went to class, picking up a newspaper. I was reading the ever-funny editorials when the front of my newspaper came down and there he was!

�So have you heard that Kris Kross song?� he asked, staring down at me.


�I Missed The Bus.�

�Ha ha, I was gonna say, wasn�t that ten years ago?�

And guess what kids�.it was ten years ago�

Anyway, we chit-chatted for a bit, until everyone started walking in. The prof gave a heart-stopping lecture on �teaming�. I couldn�t believe that took the entire 1 hour and 20 minutes that the class takes up, but it did. He�s a very energetic and involved prof. When I say �heart-stopping� it almost literally was. While I was looking through the want ads he slammed his hand down on the desk, threw his keys, and said something to the effect of, �Shut up!�

I think he was talking about people arguing in a group, but alas, I wasn�t paying attention.

Anyway, I walked back to the bus stop, and KH, the All Knowing, and A, the Cheerful, called my phone and asked if I was up for doing anything. We ended up settling on seeing the movie Simone and dinner.

That movie wasn�t half bad! It was pretty darn funny! Plus, Al Pacino is the only actor that I know of that can play off himself. It was all pretty ironic.

After we left, KH and A came over and we watched the pilot DVD of Smallville that I own. Wheee! We�re all huge Smallville fans. And I think that A and I share an infatuation for Tom Welling.

Since Bandit was giving A an allergy attack, she and KH left, and now here I am deciding between doing some studying ahead or zoning in front of the TV.

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